321 Growth Academy

321 Growth Academy

Min :375 - Max :1500

Application Deadline:

We’ve spent the last few decades in the entrepreneurial trenches. Now, we’re sharing what we’ve learned, to help more founders and teams develop the key skills needed to grow their companies, faster.

Our courses have helped hundreds of startups, scale-ups and social enterprises – at all stages – get their growth on! We work with a broad range of companies, from startups to fast-growing scale-ups. Our specialty is tech companies in all sectors, but we also work with services companies, social enterprises and non-profits to help drive growth.

If you’re an economic development organization, accelerator, incubator, co-working space or have a mission to support high-growth companies, 321 offers proven programming you can offer your clients and communities.

Program Areas: Sales, Marketing, and Partners

Programs typically run every Spring and Fall. Please check website for more information.


321 Growth Academy: Growth Marketing Course

321 Growth Academy

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Is marketing a key driver of your growth? Or are you spending a lot (of time or $) on marketing, but not getting results? Need more leads to fill the top of your funnel? Not sure of what flavour of marketing you need to win? Or how best you can execute?  321 can help.

In 321’s Growth Marketing course, you’ll learn how to build – or level up – your marketing engine so that it can be a driver of your growth.

You’ll learn to do the kind of marketing that leads to revenue – like designing and executing great marketing campaigns, creating great market assets and sales tools, and crafting marketing messages that resonate with your prospects. And you’ll learn while doing – applying your mad new skills in your business, in real-time.

So, whether you’re just starting out with marketing, looking to scale up, or need to fix what isn’t working, Growth Marketing is the course for you. 

Please visit our website for more information.


321 Growth Academy: Lean Sales Course

321 Growth Academy

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

In 321’s Lean Sales course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about sales – from prospecting through closing – all while applying what you learn in your business in real-time.

You’ll get clear on who you are selling to, why they will want to buy, and understand what they might pay. You’ll learn effective ways to engage prospects and map out a scalable sales process that will work for your product and markets.

Whether you’re building your sales from scratch, looking to scale up, or need to fix what isn’t working, Lean Sales is the course for you.

For more information, please visit our website


Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship Program (AYEP)

Martin Family Initiative

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship Program (AYEP) supports Indigenous students as they learn how to create successful futures.

In 2007, the Martin Family Initiative (MFI) launched AYEP to introduce Indigenous high school students to business opportunities within the Canadian economy. The curriculum teaches students how to nurture their entrepreneurial spirit, improve financial literacy and communication skills, and gives them an opportunity to explore a variety of post-secondary options. But at the heart of the program is a simple hope: that students leave with improved self-confidence and belief in their own potential.

AYEP helps Indigenous students to succeed in high school, the work place, in post-secondary studies, and in daily life. The curriculum – which is offered in the last two years of high school – introduces students to the world of business and prepares them for the working world, regardless of their career path.

Based on provincial business course requirements, AYEP comprises of two credit courses in Grade 11 and 12 (Entrepreneurship 1 and Entrepreneurship 2). The courses highlight Indigenous content, including case studies and examples of successful Canadian Indigenous businesspeople.

For more information, please check out the website.



The A100

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

AccelerateAB celebrates the best of Alberta’s technology scene. The annual conference brings together leaders, investors, influencers and supporters of Alberta’s technology ecosystem, with the goal of leveraging the success of the next generation of technology entrepreneurs across the province.

The event is backed by high-profile and successful leaders in the industry and is powered by the A100, a member-driven group of Alberta’s most noteworthy technology entrepreneurs. AccelerateAB is all about creating collisions between early-stage and late-stage startups, angel investors, venture capitalists, service providers, government agencies, and more, making this THE tech conference to attend, year after year.

AccelerateAB will be held in Edmonton this year, from September 29-30th. 

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Environment
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Other

Agricultural Clean Technology Program

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

As part of the Government of Canada’s strengthened climate plan, A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy, the new Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program aims to create an enabling environment for the development and adoption of clean technology that will help drive the changes required to achieve a low-carbon economy and promote sustainable growth in Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector.


Airdrie Economic development

City of Airdrie – Economic Development

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Airdrie Economic Development is a dynamic team of economic development and tourism professionals who love Airdrie. They are responsible for building relationships, manging projects, and providing access to resources that support new and existing businesses and strengthen the local economy.

Our core services include:

  • Business development
  • Investment attraction
  • Marketing
  • Research and information

For more information, please visit our website.

  • Environment
  • Food-Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Omics
  • Pipeline
  • Other

Alberta Agriculture: Agrivalue Processing Business Incubator (APBI)

Government of Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Agrivalue Processing Business Incubator supports new food businesses and established food manufacturers.

The Agrivalue Processing Business Incubator (APBI) is a multi-tenant facility. It provides the infrastructure and services to support the establishment and growth of new companies and new business ventures in Alberta. The APBI meets federal food-regulation requirements, enabling resident companies to market their products nationally and internationally.

The purpose of the APBI facility is to:

  • assist with the startup of new food businesses
  • provide a centre of excellence for agrivalue venture scale-up
  • attract product/process development initiatives of established food industry companies to Alberta

Please visit our website to learn more.


Alberta Agriculture: Bio-Industrial Opportunities

Government of Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Bio-Industrial Opportunities Section (BIOS) provides technical and industry development support for the development, scale-up and commercialization of non-food value-added products and applications. Adding value to Alberta’s biomass resources helps to create jobs, stimulate economic diversification and grow the provincial economy.

A team of dedicated professionals can help you advance your bio-based project, from biomaterials and bio-based chemicals to bioenergy and natural health products.

The Bio Processing Innovation Centre (BPIC) – operated by BIOS – provides essential product development and scale-up support. BPIC offers a suite of facilities, lab- and pilot-scale production equipment, and expertise to help companies succeed.


Alberta Catalyzer

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Alberta Catalyzer is a FREE program that supports entrepreneurs looking to launch and grow a tech business in Alberta. Alberta Catalyzer is part of the Alberta Scaleup and Growth Accelerator Program, led by Alberta Innovates. The consortium, which also includes Jobs, Economy and Innovation, Edmonton Unlimited, the Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund and Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan), allocated $35 million over three years to retain business accelerators. It’s part of an overall government goal to help create 20,000 jobs and increase technology firm revenue to $5 billion by 2030.


Alberta Clean Technology Industry Alliance

Alberta Clean Technology Industry Association

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Alberta Clean Technology Industry Alliance (ACTia) is the leading voice for Alberta’s cleantech sector; fostering local and global connections between technology developers, entrepreneurs, investors and customers; and is accelerating industry development. ACTia is the only province-wide and industry-focused group working to support Albertans developing clean technology.

Ensuring our members lead the way in clean technologies will help sustain regional economic growth. ​

Visit our website to learn more.


Alberta Community and Social Services: Self-Employment Program

Government of Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Self-Employment training is a program element under the Training for Work program. It facilitates entry into self-employment by offering individuals formal instruction, business plan development, one-to-one business counseling, coaching, guidance and follow-up during business plan implementation. It is designed for unemployed and marginally employed Albertans who have a viable business idea, personal attributes necessary to be successful at self-employment, and who are in need of self-employment training.

The objectives of the Self-Employment program are:

  • to assist unemployed and marginally employed Albertans to create employment opportunities for themselves, and
  • to create additional employment opportunities in the community that might not otherwise be available.

Please check out our website for more information.


Alberta Community and Social Services: First Nations Training to Employment Program (FNTEP)

Government of Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The First Nations Training to Employment Program (FNTEP) supports the development of partnerships designed to create training and work experience projects that lead to employment for First Nations members. These partnerships will assist unemployed or marginally employed First Nations members (primarily living on reserve) gain the necessary skills training and/or work experience in projects to obtain and maintain long-term employment.

Employer/Union and Industry partners will:

  • identify employment opportunities 
  • identify the skills needed to succeed in the specified occupation
  • identify pre-requisites and work requirements 
  • be a potential funding agent
  • validate the employment opportunity with a letter of intent
  • provide quality and realistic work experience and be prepared to offer employment to project graduates

For more information, please visit our website.


Alberta Council of Technologies Society

Alberta Council of Technologies

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

ABCtech seeks to provide a point of contact and communication for Alberta’s technology leaders and entrepreneurs. Developing alliances for emerging technology industries. 

Diversifying Alberta’s economy through technology. The Alberta Council of Technologies (ABCtech) advocates for the commercialization of disruptive technologies that will place Alberta and Alberta companies at the forefront of emerging economies. Through the creation of cross-discipline and cross-industry dialogue on emerging technologies and their impact on us, the global citizen, we germinate unique opportunities for collaboration amongst stakeholders who may otherwise not interact. ABCtech achieves this through a series of carefully constructed and executed events.

Please visit our website to learn more.


Alberta Environment and Parks: Compliance Assurance Program

Government of Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Alberta’s environmental legislation sets out clear rules and obligations for the protection, enhancement and wise use of the environment. Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) works with Albertans to ensure the quality of our environment is maintained, using an effective and efficient regulatory framework.

Find out which rules and obligations put in place to protect the environment apply to your business. Your business in Alberta needs to follow Alberta’s environmental legislation which sets out clear rules and obligations for the protection, enhancement and wise use of the environment.

Please visit our website to find out which environmental rules apply to your business.


Alberta IoT Fast Track

The Alberta IoT Association

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Alberta IoT Fast Track is a program to provide entrepreneurial training, coaching, and mentorship to Fast Track businesses in IoT (minimum 10 employees/ approximately 1 million-plus in revenue) in a small group setting to scale quickly.

The focus of this program is to enable second-stage or scale-up businesses with an established revenue base to expand on their current solutions and current market. We will assist these businesses in their scalability including business models, hr strategy, legal considerations, international markets, marketing strategy, sales training, financial planning, securing IP and patents, funding plus high-profile speakers within the IoT landscape.

Please visit our website for more information.


Alberta IoT Membership

The Alberta IoT Association

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

By joining the Alberta IoT Association, you are given the opportunity to connect with other individuals and companies that are working in the IoT space within Alberta. All members are granted access to our online communication tools, resources, regular networking events, technology showcase opportunities, as well as a listing on our website. In addition to these benefits, there are several different membership tiers that have been tailored to fit your business needs. 


Alberta Labour: International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS)

Government of Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) helps people get recognition for education and training they received outside of Canada.

IQAS issues certificates that compare educational credentials from other countries to educational standards in Canada.

Determine how your education or your employees’ education from outside of Canada compares with Alberta’s educational standards. If you are an immigrant entrepreneur or an employer hiring an immigrant, you can get help obtaining recognition for education received in other countries. This service provides comparisons between degrees, diplomas, and certificates.

Please visit our website to learn more.


Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute (ARRTI)

University of Lethbridge

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

RNA research is one of the fastest growing fields in the life sciences, with implications for many diseases, our understanding of evolution, as well as biotechnological applications and has enormous economic potential.

The Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute (ARRTI), established in December 2011, is the first RNA focused research centre in the province and uses mainly biophysical and engineering approaches in the study of structure and function of RNA based cellular systems. We have strong collaborators at the local government research institutions in these fields. The city of Lethbridge is also home to several governmental research institutions that apply RNA-based research technologies and rely on the U of L to provide adequately trained employees. ARRTI is dedicated to foster and facilitate RNA research and training excellence, to contribute to the multidisciplinary research and teaching community at the University of Lethbridge, its surrounding communities and beyond, ultimately facilitating transfer of leading-edge knowledge into the private sector as well as academia. In summary, ARRTI is timely and it fits well with the provincial research priorities and has the potential to harness the available expertise to contribute directly to each of these provincial research priorities.

For more information, please visit our website.


Alberta SouthWest Regional Alliance

Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Alberta’s Regional Economic Development Alliances (REDAs) are regional Economic Development offices that are grassroots-based non-profit organizations comprised of member communities and regional stakeholders that work together to foster business development and prosperity in a defined geographic area, with a general emphasis on rural development. 

This collaboration and cooperation enables members and stakeholders to undertake projects that could not necessarily do on their own. 

The REDAs are supported and partially funded by Alberta Economic Development and Trade, and the Government of Alberta maintains a close and mutually supportive relationship with them. 

The REDAs are known for their ability to leverage funding from numerous sources, due to their strong collaborative nature, and drive investment into emerging industries. 

Please visit our website for more information.



Alberta Innovates

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Alberta SPOR SUPPORT (AbSPORU) Unit is a specialized and virtual, multidisciplinary research service centre that helps researchers who conduct patient-oriented research with access to data platforms and services, tools, methods, training, and connections.

The goal of the AbSPORU is to foster evidence-informed health care by bringing innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to the point of care, so as to ensure greater quality, accountability, and accessibility of care.

The AbSPORU works with health services to support the use of research evidence in decision-making and inform best practices.

The AbSPORU supports researchers conducting patient-centered research with access to experts and knowledge through the following seven platforms.

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Other

Alberta WaterPortal

Alberta WaterPortal Society

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Founded in 2006, in the spirit of the Water for Life strategy, the Alberta WaterPortal provides inclusive research, community engagement, and educational activities to improve the public’s understanding of the importance of water in Alberta, as well as providing Albertans with the knowledge needed to make better water management decisions.

Today’s water challenges and opportunities clearly cross many different jurisdictions, stakeholders and communities. Addressing the protection, allocation and management of our water resources and water systems requires creative mechanisms for dialogue and networking, as well as coordinated efforts to explore and share data and experiences among water users, managers, and researchers.

To achieve this as a charitable organization we work closely with private, public and other non-profit organizations, supported by industry and water experts. We have forged successful partnerships with all levels of government, academic institutions, environmental non-government organizations, corporate partners and advisory councils and irrigation districts. The Alberta WaterPortal contributes to how we collectively share and collaborate on water information and knowledge, for the benefit of all Albertans.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Alberta WaterPortal staff will continue to provide web-based water information services such as our bi-weekly newsletter and work on water education projects. You can continue to use our contact form to get in touch with us. Stay safe everyone!


Alumni Speakers Bureau

ASTech Foundation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Do you need a speaker who has an inspiring story of innovation and success in science or technology?

Welcome to ACCELERATE & CONNECT: ASTech Alumni Speakers Bureau.

Our goal is simple: to connect our ASTech alumni (Finalists and Winners of an ASTech Award) and the broader community interested in science, technology and innovation. Invite our alumni to share their story of success to help inspire the next generation of innovation in Alberta.

The ASTech Foundation shines a spotlight on incredible examples of innovation that often fly under the radar. We will gladly introduce you to any of our speakers and we’ll leave it up to you to sort out the details. This is a free service.

Please visit our website to learn more.


Amii Your Business

Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

One of Canada’s three centres of AI excellence as part of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, we’re an Alberta-based non-profit institute that supports world-leading research in artificial intelligence and machine learning and translates scientific advancement into industry adoption.

We’ve invested in advanced AI research for decades. Now, we’re here to steer your company to the best path forward to adopt these breakthroughs.

We partner with companies of all sizes, across industries, to drive innovation strategy and provide practical guidance and advice, corporate training and talent recruitment services. The true potential of AI is unlocked when you build internal capabilities, and that’s where we excel.

Now, more than ever, our partners in industry need expertise and resources to build in-house AI capabilities. Do you want to grow, improve operations and solve complex problems using AI? Our collaborative teams of project managers, scientists, educators and Fellows-in-Residence are ready to help.

Please visit our website for more information.


APEX Entrepreneurship Incubator

APEX Southeast Alberta Regional Innovation Network

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Do you have an idea and you are thinking about starting a business?

Are you feeling overwhelmed about how to operate your new business?

Our professional Entrepreneurial Advisors can help you plan, prepare and navigate your ideas into action.

We help individuals, particularly in the tech sector, go from idea to execution!

With many options available to guide a new business start, see the full list of services, check out our website.

  • ICT

ATB Entrepreneur Centres

ATB Financial

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Whether you’re just starting out or an established business, ATB is the place to find outstanding services supporting Alberta entrepreneurs.

Supporting entrepreneurs of all kinds.

Focus on your future
Our broad range of programs help Alberta entrepreneurs realize their dreams. From crowdfunding and education to networking and banking services

Strengthen your position
Complete business banking services let you focus on building your business. We’ll help you get started, expand or optimize your business operations.

Free banking for new startups
If you registered or incorporated a business in 2019, you’re eligible for free banking for one year. Learn more about this on our website.


ATIC Imaging Center

Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Center

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Center focuses on research and development of software and methodologies to facilitate the processing of multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing data in support of sustainable development of various ecosystems. Our goal is to strengthen the Earth Observation market by developing client driven services and end-to-end monitoring systems.

The Remote Sensing Group at the University of Lethbridge is composed primarily of faculty, students and other researchers from the department of Geography and the department of Physics and Astronomy.

Remote sensing also includes scientists in the fields of medical imaging, image processing/computer science, and astronomy.

At the University of Lethbridge, we have a wide range of scientists working in the field of remote sensing performing research at scales from the atom to the study of distant stars. ATIC also employs an order desk which licenses SPOT satellite imagery to the Canadian post secondary market for use in academic research.

Please visit our website to learn more.


AWE: Business Beyond Borders

Alberta Women Entrepreneurs

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Business Beyond Borders provides guidance and support as you explore the possibility of market expansion. The program helps you identify the right opportunities for you and your business, and develop the confidence and skills needed to pursue your growth plans.

With Business Beyond Borders you can: 

  • Explore the possibilities of market expansion
  • Tap into AWE’s knowledge and expertise of international markets
  • Identify the right opportunities for you and your business
  • Access personalized advice and support

Please visit our website for more information.


AWE: Start-Up Workshops

Alberta Women Entrepreneurs

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

If you have a specific business idea, or you’ve been in business for a few years but have never written a business plan, this series is for you. These sessions introduce you to the essential components of a good business plan. Each session will help you move forward in your business with confidence starting with learning how to conduct informative marketing research for your business, outlining a basic marketing strategy to reach your best customer, and exploring how to create financial plans that will support business viability.

For more information, please visit our website.


BDC Advisory services

Business Development Bank of Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Overcome a business challenge or hit your next growth milestone by working with our Canada-wide network of over 500 business consultants. Our seasoned experts have industry and sector experience that focuses on a structured, business-driven approach that integrates proven methodologies and best practices that deliver practical, tangible results.

Our team of subject-matter experts has been offering management consulting services to guide Canadian businesses for over 40 years. Our experienced consultants accompany you throughout the mandate, offering objective, practical, results-driven advice, tailored to your needs and stage of growth. Our solutions are designed to equip you with the knowledge, know-how and tools to manage every function of your business with confidence.

Please visit our website to learn more about these advisory services.

  • Other

BDC Business Performance Builder Program

Business Development Bank of Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Reach your business performance potential.

Functional issues can become roadblocks to growth, but they’re often difficult to identify and solve. Our 12-month program tackles the root causes of your business challenges by improving specific skill sets and business abilities. It’s a tailored program of expert advice and execution that gets results.

The 3 pillars of the program:

  • Identify issues and build a roadmap
  • Improve business capabilities
  • Steer your business

The program follows a tailored approach:

  • A team dedicated to your journey
  • A tailored program
  • A focus on self-sufficiency

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Other

BDC Commercial Real Estate Financing

Business Development Bank of Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Buying commercial real estate is an important decision, potentially very profitable and often complex. With support from our experts and a loan* adapted to your needs, we can help make your project reality.

Financing you can use to:
Increase capacity
Purchase land and buildings or cover construction costs to build new ones.

Upgrade facilities
Expand or renovate your existing premises.

Complement your line of credit
Replenish working capital depleted by real estate costs.

Please visit our website to learn more.

  • Other

BDC Digital Technology Program

Business Development Bank of Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Digital technology is essential for every business, but with so many options and complexities, it can be challenging to know where to start. We can show you how to digitize your business, based on your unique requirements and objectives, and guide you through the right strategies and solutions for your needs. 

We help you:
Develop a digital strategy
Achieve your strategic goals with a digital roadmap that prioritizes the right projects and investments to boost productivity and sales.

Select the right systems and vendors
Choose the best systems for your business with expert guidance at every step, from defining requirements to evaluating solutions and vendors so you can make an educated choice.

Get trusted, objective advice
Benefit from our impartial experts and use of best practices to select and implement the right technologies, such as ERPs, CRMs, Industry 4.0, and industry-specific solutions.

Please visit our website to learn more.

  • Other

BDC E-Commerce

Business Development Bank of Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Build a successful online presence.

Succeeding online is essential for your business. We can help you launch or optimize your online presence so that your digital initiatives lead to increased sales and sustained growth.

We help you:

  • Launch a fully operational online store
  • Drive more online sales
  • Build a custom website from A-to-Z

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Other

BDC Growth Driver Program

Business Development Bank of Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Growth Driver Program (GDP) is an exclusive guided journey that prepares you and your company to reach your next level of growth. Our dedicated team of executive advisors will work closely with you to strengthen the three areas of your company that are critical to sustainable, measurable growth.

The 3 Pillars of GDP:

  • Business – Tailored growth advice
  • CEO – Leadership development
  • Management – Strengthen capabilities

Please visit our website to learn more.

  • Other

BDC Integrated Sales and Marketing advisory services

Business Development Bank of Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Structured, targeted and effective sales and marketing activities are a must in today’s fastchanging, competitive market. Together, we’ll develop strategies and tactics that will help you reach the right customers at the right time through the best sales channels, both in Canada or abroad.

We help you:

  • Identify gaps and opportunities
  • Build an effective roadmap
  • Harness the power of digital

Please visit our website to learn more.

  • Other

BDC Operational Efficiency advisory services

Business Development Bank of Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Efficient operations are a must in today’s competitive market and digital technology landscape. We’ll take you through a structured approach that helps you fix your most pressing operational issues, boost your bottom line and set the stage for continuous improvement.

We help you:
Optimize operations
Assess your operations to identify sources of waste and improve your processes and capacity to better meet production demands.

Integrate digital
Make the shift to digital by identifying the tools and technologies that will make your company more efficient and competitive.

Work smarter, not harder
Build your internal capabilities, increase your team’s knowledge and autonomy and use tools to track your progress.

Please visit our website to learn more.

  • Other

BDC US Market Entry Plan

Business Development Bank of Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The U.S. market offers a world of opportunities to Canadian companies like yours, but it’s a lot trickier than most entrepreneurs realize. Planning your expansion is the best way to ensure your long-term success. Whether you’re new to doing business in the U.S., or you’ve had some experience but feel the need for additional guidance, we can help.

  • Other

BDC: Human Resources

Business Development Bank of Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Attract and retain qualified talent.

Hiring, motivating and keeping the right people is more challenging than ever in today’s competitive labour market. We can help you build a sound HR structure and management process that will improve your recruitment and retention practices so that you can attract the qualified talent you need to run a successful business.

We help you:

  • build a solid organizational structure
  • hire and retain the right employees
  • establish a performance management process

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Other

BioAlberta Member Services


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

BioAlberta is committed to building a thriving community for life sciences companies. Our industry offers exceptional prospects for both economic growth and improved quality of life for not only Albertans but also around the globe. BioAlberta companies and researchers are meeting the challenges of this globally competitive industry.

Engage with us! Join our bio-community of entrepreneurs and scientists involved in advancing the capabilities of life sciences in our local economy. A strong, vibrant and diverse membership is the foundation for BioAlberta.

Join BioAlberta to become part of this network and realize your potential opportunities. BioAlberta raises the profile of our Members through numerous activities including an annual  presence at the BIO International Convention.

For more information, please visit our website.

  • Environment
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Omics

Business Link 1:1 Business Advice

Business Link

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Our team of in-house small business experts knows how exciting and overwhelming entrepreneurship can be. Don’t fret—we’ve got your back. We’ll help you navigate the process with free 1:1 advice from our trusted business strategists

Just because you’re in business for yourself, doesn’t mean you have to be in business by yourself.

We can help you:

  • Understand and navigate the startup process including regulations and licensing
  • Explore strategies to successfully run and grow your existing business
  • Learn about your financing options, marketing and sales strategies, HR, and more
  • Get connected with the most relevant resources and supports in the business community
  • Review your business plan

Please visit our website to learn more.


Business Link: Immigrant Services

Business Link

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

While all entrepreneurs face challenges, Business Link acknowledges that immigrants face additional barriers to starting and running a business. That’s why we offer specialized support to aspiring and established immigrant entrepreneurs across Alberta.

  • One-on-one coaching supports. One-on-one coaching and supports are delivered by Business Link staff to immigrant entrepreneurs across Alberta in person whenever possible as well as over the telephone and by email.
  • Informative Resources, guidebooks and checklists.
  • Training and workshops. Our training and workshops target newcomers and immigrants across Alberta to help them understand Canadian business practices and improve their business skills. These are delivered through a variety of mediums (live, webinar, online) to reach as many entrepreneurs as possible.
  • Network referral building. We are building a referral network across Alberta to focus on pairing immigrant entrepreneurs with the most suitable support wherever they are in Alberta.
  • Capacity building. Delivery of capacity building training to business and service providers across rural Alberta will allow them to reach and serve immigrant entrepreneurs within their region more successfully.
  • Information on financing.

Please visit our website to learn more.


Business Link: Indigenous Services

Business Link

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

We offer specialized support to Indigenous communities and entrepreneurs across Alberta.

From startup to expansion, our resources are tailored to meet the unique needs of our Indigenous clients.

Services and Resources Available for Indigenous Entrepreneurs:

  • Personal one-on-one advice and guidance
  • Informative guidebooks
  • Funding programs for Indigenous entrepreneurs
  • Connections to a network of service providers and resources that support Indigenous entrepreneurs and business owners
  • Free Indigenous entrepreneur workshops

Please visit our website for more information.


Business Link: Peerpreneur Sessions

Business Link

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Business Link is pleased to launch a brand new initiative designed to help strengthen connections between small business owners across Alberta during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Peerpreneur Sessions give entrepreneurs the chance to participate in live, peer-to-peer virtual group discussions facilitated by a Business Link Strategist.

Over a 4-week period, each group will connect on a weekly basis to discuss their business challenges, exchange best practices, and learn how to best support each other. Now it is more important than ever for small business owners to have a support system in place to help move their businesses forward.

Please visit our website for the timeline of the next session.


Business Link: Small Business Events

Business Link

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

We host, sponsor, and participate in events and webinars that give small business owners the opportunity to learn, network, share ideas, and meet other like-minded entrepreneurs.

Looking for opportunities to learn and connect with other entrepreneurs? Check out these upcoming events and webinars to learn from local experts, hear from Alberta’s small business owners and find out how the small business community can support you in your journey.

With continued concerns around the spread of COVID-19, we have postponed any in-person events until further notice. During this time, we are dedicated to continuing to support entrepreneurs in Alberta and will proceed with scheduling blogs, conducting webinars and online programming and providing one-on-one advice and support via email, phone, or Live Chat.

Please visit our website for more information.


Business Model 101

StartUp Edmonton

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The first step is to map out your idea. Using the Lean Canvas you’ll work through the nine section, one-page business model that will allow you to create a quick snapshot of your idea. This will give you a framework for testing and validating your assumptions and will keep you focused on a solution customers are looking for.


  • Two hour, live online workshop.
  • Hands-on support and feedback with experienced facilitators.
  • All materials mailed to you in advance.
  • Meet like-minded people who are working on an idea.
  • Map your next steps.
  • $0, powered in part by Alberta Innovates

Visit our website to register.


C-FER Research and Development Technical Services

C-FER Technologies

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

C-FER works in partnership with the global energy industry to advance safety, environmental performance and efficiency. We provide full-scale testing and specialized engineering consulting services from our world-class facilities in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

C-FER works with industry to develop solutions to unique engineering challenges. This often requires in‑depth discussions with a client’s subject matter experts and the return to first principals engineering to understand their key issues.

As part of these activities, C-FER often develops novel analysis techniques and testing equipment which build on our past experience or forge new approaches that have never been tried before.


C100’S 48HRS Program


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

48Hrs is C100’s annual flagship program which introduces Canada’s most promising startups to top global mentors, investors, and industry executives.

48Hrs runs annually, please check website for details about 48Hrs in 2022.

Please visit our website to learn more about C100 and the program.


Calgary Chamber: The Stride – Peer Mentoring

Calgary Chamber of Commerce

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Stride is a joint initiative between the Calgary Chamber and the Calgary Foundations. The Stride is an engine recruiting and working with active citizens. Together we’re out to develop answers to our city’s challenges and identify ways to capitalize on its unique opportunities.

Our Peer Mentoring program gives you a personal sounding board to solve problems, enhance business processes, strengthen strategy and encourage innovation. In a confidential setting, you can celebrate the wins, sometimes vent about the hard stuff, and generally be supported by fellow career-focused thinkers who are dealing with the same tough challenges as you. We aim to enhance and develop key management, supervisory and leadership skills through workshops and subject matter experts alongside the peer learning process. This is an exclusive program at the Chamber for a select group of business leaders. It is professionally chaired by a certified Edward Lowe PeerSpectives® facilitator to ensure equitable participation and ongoing support between meetings.

Please visit our website for more information.


Calibre Custom Software Design

Calibre Consulting Corp

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

We are Calibre, providing full stack, agile software development support to businesses looking to accelerate their projects strategically.

Calibre works with you from the initial concept stage of your software requirement. Utilizing industry best practices, our team can help you visualize and fine-tune your software application early on. We then take it through world-class design and development, leading to a carefully planned roll-out and backed by a highly reliable on-going technical support. Our custom software development services cater to a variety of organization sizes, types, and business needs.

For more information, please check out our website. 

  • Other

Canada Learning Code – Coding Programs

Canada Learning Code

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Welcome to a new way of learning. From workshops to local meetups, our learning experiences are designed to be a welcoming environment where you can learn in a social and collaborative way. 

At Canada Learning Code, we have a program for every stage in your learning journey. Dip your toes in by reading a blog post, or dive right in with a hands-on workshop!


Canada’s Tech Network: Get There Program

Canadian Digital Media Network

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Get There program is a unique opportunity that offers early-stage, high-growth high-potential Canadian tech startups an opportunity to demystify an international market. The program is designed to amplify your network and provide you with tips and tricks to make future visits easier and more cost effective.

Each cohort (of up to 10 companies) will receive pre-trip coaching prior to spending one week in market. Selected companies will:

  • learn how to travel to meetings with customers, partners and investors;
  • meet with potential customers or investors;
  • make valuable connections and begin building their own network; and
  • plan for future growth.

Selected companies will receive up to $2,000 CAD to help offset transportation and accommodation costs.

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Food-Agriculture
  • Other

Canadian Securities Administrators Regulatory Sandbox

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The CSA Regulatory Sandbox is an initiative of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) to support fintech businesses seeking to offer innovative products, services and applications in Canada. It allows firms to register and/or obtain exemptive relief from securities laws requirements, under a faster and more flexible process than through a standard application, in order to test their products, services and applications throughout the Canadian market on a time limited basis.

The CSA Regulatory Sandbox is open to business models that are innovative from a Canadian market perspective. Applicants can range from start-ups to well established companies. Firms that want to apply should be ready to provide live environment testing, a business plan and a discussion of potential investor benefits (including how it will minimize investor risks).

Firms that do not meet these criteria can still apply to register or obtain relief through the standard application process.

For more information, please visit our website.



Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Are you a high-potential, high-growth Canadian company?

Do you have a market-ready technology or product?

Join a Canadian Technology Accelerator (CTA) to explore opportunities to grow your business in 12 global tech hubs worldwide. There’s no cost to join, other than your travel and accommodation.

Offered by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS), this global business development program successfully supports companies in:

  • cleantech
  • digital industries and information and communications technologies (ICT)
  • life sciences and digital health


CARIN Advisory Services

Central Alberta Regional Innovation Network (CARIN)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

CARIN’s advisory services help current and future businesses, with the goal to strengthen and advance central Alberta business.

These services are available to all types of business at a variety of stages.

The services offered are:

  • Legal
  • Tax
  • Finance
  • Market Assessment
  • Risk factors

Please contact us for more information.


CARIN Startup 101

Central Alberta Regional Innovation Network (CARIN)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Thinking of starting a business but not sure if it’s for you or where to start?
You have come to the right place.
There are many different reasons why someone would want to be an entrepreneur, from the flexibility it gives you to wanting to change the world with your idea. In Alberta we are lucky to have so many resources at our finger tips to help start, finance, and build a company. You will find resources for each of those sections here.

Please visit our website for more information.


CARIN Startup Incubator

Central Alberta Regional Innovation Network (CARIN)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

In the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, the communities of central Alberta occupy one of the most prosperous corridors in Canada. It’s a region filled with resources and industry, where more than two million people live and work – and come up with new ideas and innovations that drive our province forward.

To foster these innovations, we are launching a new cohort-based incubator that will diversify Alberta’s economy, educate and grow visionary start-ups, and stabilize central Alberta businesses against unforeseen difficulties. This in turn will create a more resilient atmosphere for provincial business, new avenues for entrepreneurs, and a more promising future for all Albertans.

An incubator can be the difference between ultimate success and failure for a new idea. Qualified entrepreneurs will get:

  • Access to coaches that guide them through the process and keep them focused with weekly tasks
  • Streamlined networking and introductions to the right people, who can advance ideas and research with expertise, and testing opportunities
  • Input from CARIN’s advisory services, including legal, tax, finance, market assessment, and risk factors
  • Assistance in creating an investor index, containing important and compelling information for potential investors
  • Access to industry experts
  • A fully-fledged support system that is designed to help achieve success
  • A better understanding of customer issues and which opportunities to pursue, as well as an understanding of engagement, testing, and feedback
  • Ground-up evaluations of risk factors and market solutions
  • Industry-specific training, such as classes, workshops, training, and mentorship, as well as the application of new technology to their chosen industry
  • Insights into how to build a robust and successful company, with both industry-wide and business-specific considerations

Please visit our website for more information about the next cohort.


CENGN Project

Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

CENGN helps small and medium-sized Canadian technology companies accelerate their commercialization efforts by giving them no-cost access to our enterprise-scale computing and networking testbed to run projects that accelerate their commercialization efforts.

Projects are 9 to 12 weeks in duration and typically range from demonstrations to interoperability tests to scale/stress tests. In addition to the testbed resources, CENGN also provides you with project management and engineering support during the project. Our marketing team will work with you to create and distribute materials that promote the success of your project.

Access skills and infrastructure worth over $5 million to commercialize your innovative technology, products, applications or services.

Please visit our website for more information.


CENGN Smart Agriculture Program

Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Leveraging technologies like Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence for agriculture solutions are the key to revolutionizing the agricultural industry, which will lead to stimulating job and economic growth, as well as solidifying Ontario’s leadership in Smart Agriculture.

CENGN helps growing Canadian businesses overcome commercialization barriers and connect their innovations in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector with the country’s vibrant and powerful agricultural industry. By harnessing the transformative tech coming from Canada’s small and medium enterprises, CENGN supports the growth of farming revenue, efficiency, and environmental friendliness.

As part of the Smart Agriculture Program, CENGN has built a Smart Greenhouse Living Lab where companies can test their new and innovative IoT-based Smart Greenhouse product solutions. Companies that do a CENGN Smart Agriculture project will be given access to our Next Generation Network wireless infrastructure, as well as the dedicated Smart Greenhouse Living Lab located at the DC Farms, in Kingsville, ON.


Central Alberta: Access Prosperity

Central Alberta: Access Prosperity

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Central Alberta: Access Prosperity is a not-for-profit economic development organization focused on promoting economic growth in the Central Alberta region.

Access Prosperity is a comprehensive network and information resource.  We work with industry leaders, business experts and government bodies to facilitate growth, expansion and diversification of our region. We are your link to investment opportunities, key contacts and regional information. We will help you learn about the area, meet the right people and make important business decisions.

ur objectives include:

  • Attracting international businesses to invest in the Central Alberta region
  • Supporting businesses in Central Alberta to become export ready
  • Facilitating business-to-business matches for international investment, development, or expansion

If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, an established business person, or a savvy investor, it all boils down to one word at the end of the day…prosperity.

Please visit our website for more information.


CETAC-WEST Advisory Boards


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Advisory Boards provide clients with on-going direction to manage growth.  Meetings are held approximately quarterly, and clients are expected to be prepared with agenda items that include key strategic challenges and financial statements.  Advisory Board members are an intermediate step to full, legal boards but have no legal responsibility and their advice is non-binding.

Please visit our website to learn more.


CETAC-WEST Technology Commercialization


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

At CETAC-WEST, we strive to work with all small businesses, regardless of their stage of commercial development. After the SMEs pass the initial eligibility process and present CETAC-WEST with a promising project opportunity, programs are catered to each of their specific needs.

What you can gain:

  • Improvement of business strategy
  • Development of business skills
  • Expansion of your professional network
  • Advisory support
  • Diffusion of knowledge

Please visit our website for more information.


CETAC-WEST: Financial Management


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Financial Management Clinics were developed to address a common pattern that CETAC observed among many of its early-stage clients; they don’t read their financial statements.  Each clinic is limited to three or four companies and each company shares their financial statements with the other attendees. The clinics are facilitated by a mentor with expertise in financial management and the participants analyze each other’s financials in order to learn what their financials can tell them about their businesses so they can use them as a management tool.

The facilitator also discusses opportunities to improve the functionality of the statements. The content of the clinic depends on the skills and abilities of the entrepreneurs in attendance as well as the size (revenue) of the company.

For more information, please visit our website.


CETAC-WEST: Mentoring Program


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Business “mentoring” is a critical element and daily activity of CETAC services to SMEs. Based on the needs of the entrepreneur, CETAC offers different mentoring services – One-on-One Mentoring, Team Mentoring, Peer Advisory meetings, Monthly Management Clinics and Advisory Boards.

Please visit our website to learn more.


CETAC-WEST: Mentors Round Table


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Mentors Round Tables are offered to clients that CETAC has identified as being at a stage in the commercialization process where they could greatly benefit from formal mentoring sessions. Mentors Round Tables are of limited duration; typically one to three sessions and are intended to help an entrepreneur to develop a strategy for a particular challenge.

Please visit our website for more information.


CETAC-WEST: Monthly Management Clinics


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

While Team Mentoring and Advisory Boards provide SMEs with much needed assistance with developing their strategies, CETAC-WEST has found that clients still need help with meeting regular management challenges between quarterly Advisory Board meetings.  Therefore, CETAC-WEST developed Monthly Management Clinics, with the goals of instilling management discipline and financial accountability, and measuring progress against strategic goals and milestones.

Monthly Management Clinics will be customized to help each client with their highest priorities.  In some cases the focus will be around R&D objectives while in others it will be on developing new markets.  Clinics will consist of monthly sessions with an SME and their CETAC champion, the CETAC CEO, and up to two of CETAC’s “alumni mentors.”

Please visit our website for more information.


CETAC-WEST: Peer Advisory Group Meetings


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Entrepreneurs at early stages are often working in isolation.  The opportunity to meet periodically with peers and mentors to discuss challenges and seek opinions is invaluable.  Similarly, entrepreneur CEOs whose companies have cash flow and are experiencing growth challenges will also benefit from regular discussions with peers.  Thus CETAC has formed two Peer Advisory Groups – the Entrepreneur’s Club and the Exit Club. Both groups meet regularly along with two or more mentors.

Please visit our website for more information.


Chic Geek: Career Pathing

Chic Geek

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Chic Geek Career Pathing is for individuals, organizations and companies.

Chic Geek Career Pathing increases career visibility for intermediate womxn in technology so they’re better engaged and retained in their work.

Chic Geek Career Pathing is a 30-minute conversation with someone a few steps ahead on the same career journey to increase career path visibility and identify development opportunities to advance your career in technology.

Chic Geek wants to connect you with role-models to show possibilities, opportunities and growth areas in your career. This is your chance to deeply explore your career path, expand your strategic network and connect with people who can help solve work challenges and support your professional development. 

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Environment
  • Food-Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Other

CMC Research Institutes Technical Services

CMC Research Institutes

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

At CMC Research Institutes, we help you navigate the gap between bench-scale research and commercialization by providing pilot scale testing facilities and access to a domestic and global network of experts. We have a broad offering of services for clients wanting to develop and demonstrate technologies that will lead to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in industrial processes and resource extraction.

Visit our website for more information.


Coding Bootcamp

Lighthouse Labs

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Lighthouse Labs was created in 2013 by a team of software developers with a passion for code, mentorship, and education. Our mission: to continuously find the best ways to train the next generation of developers and transform the way tech education is delivered. Five years later, we have introduced over 20,000 Canadians to the practice of coding and launched 1,000+ graduates into careers as professional developers. With the support of a brilliant team of instructors and mentors who view coding as the ultimate craft, we continue to empower students, launch careers, and contribute to the incredible growth of Canada’s tech industry.

Whether it’s a full-time bootcamp or a part-time program, Lighthouse Labs offers coding education from newbie to professional developer. With the support of a brilliant team of instructors and mentors, you’ll be ready to translate concepts, break down problems, and continue learning on the job.

For more information, please check out our website.


Community Futures Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program

Community Futures Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Community Futures Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program can help you build your business dream.

Disabilities aren’t always visible and more than 60% of Canadians are working with some form of barrier or health condition.  Everyone’s needs differ and we recognize that only YOU know what works best for YOU.

Community Futures Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) helps people working with barriers or health conditions to start and grow businesses.

Please visit our website for more information.


Containment & Monitoring Institute

CMC Research Institutes

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an essential technology in global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industrial processes. Factors holding back the broader deployment of CCS include operating costs and concerns over the safety of long-term storage.

The Containment and Monitoring Institute works with industry, academic researchers and other technology developers to test and demonstrate accurate, cost-effective measurement and verification technologies for hydrocarbons in the air, soil and water. At our 200-hectare Field Research Station, our experts work with clients and researchers to:

  • Advance the development of monitoring technologies and protocols for carbon storage
  • Refine monitoring technologies for enhanced oil recovery
  • Help industry better understand the movement of fluids underground
  • Improve the performance of methane emissions detection innovations

For more information, please visit our website.


Cybera Technology Services


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Cybera is Alberta’s not-for-profit organization responsible for driving economic growth through the use of digital technology. Our core role is to oversee the development and operations of Alberta’s cyberinfrastructure – the advanced system of networks and computers that keep government, educators, not-for-profits, and entrepreneurs at the forefront of technological change.

Cybera offers services that keep government, educators, not-for-profits, and entrepreneurs at the forefront of technological change.

For more information about our services, please visit our website.


Cybera: Alberta ShareIT Program


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Alberta ShareIT Program is managed by Cybera, and led by the province’s post-secondary education sector. It leverages economies of scope and scale to give members access to IT hardware, software, and services that are:

  • Broader
  • More powerful
  • More cost-effective

The program also offers valuable knowledge transfer, skill-building, and cybersecurity opportunities.

Please visit our website for more information.


Cybera: Data Science for Albertans


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

As the modern digital economy continues to evolve, Alberta businesses that embrace and harness data science concepts and tools — including machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data analytics — will have a strong competitive advantage.

Cybera’s Data Science for Albertans project provides Alberta entrepreneurs, business and social enterprises with training and access to data science expertise.

Free data science services available to Alberta organizations and social innovators:

  • Introductory and advanced workshops
  • Industry fellowship program (next cohort TBD)
  • One-on-one consultations
  • Access to tools such as Jupyter and RStudio

Please visit our website to learn more.


Cybera: Rapid Access Cloud


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Cybera’s Rapid Access Cloud, an award-winning program, provides free cloud computing resources to Alberta-based academics, researchers, non-profits and small to medium sized organizations that are not covered by the national DAIR program. It is intended to:

  • Help researchers utilize cloud computing environments for testing, analysis and experimentation
  • Providing a competitive advantage by offering a staging ground to test their ideas for cloud-based services, before moving to a commercial cloud platform
  • Provide a learning environment for people to explore the possibilities and benefits of cloud computing
  • Support disaster recovery for Canadian businesses

Please visit our website for more information.


DEC Community Energy Guidebook & Toolkit

Decentralised Energy Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Community Energy Guidebook and Toolkit are your online tools that support communities navigating community generation projects. From ideation to operations, these resources are designed to support your unique needs and provide the necessary tools to mitigate risks. Embark on your journey to integrate efficient and cost-effective energy into your community by downloading the Guidebook and Toolkit today.

Please visit our website for more information.


DEC Innovation to Commercialization

Decentralised Energy Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The I2CP is our signature accelerator program designed to accelerate the deployment of Decentralised Energy (DE), reduce the risks associated with implementation and optimize the return-on-investment for our client(s). Any DE technology supplier, service provider or end-user with a DE project or DE opportunity may qualify for I2CP services if your DE project or opportunity addresses various challenges associated.

Please visit our website for more information.


DEC Investment and Funding Attraction

Decentralised Energy Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

DEC connects investors with technology developers and entrepreneurs. We match private investors and SME investment funds access to high potential business plans that are pre-screened by our local partners and us.

We attract technology developers and entrepreneurs through our website, newsletter, events and our partners. We work with the entrepreneurs in our network and prepare them for matchmaking. We have a diverse and attractive portfolio of finance ready businesses in various sectors that require investments between CDN $10,000 and CDN $10 million.


DEC Project Jumpstart

Decentralised Energy Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Project Jumpstart is your company’s gateway to premium project enablement support. Through the program, we bring together key stakeholders to identify and overcome hurdles in your community energy project. We add credibility to your project and offer a technology-neutral perspective. Apply now to equip your team with the information they need to gain community confidence and boost your project smoothly through the approval process. This project is deployed with support from the Government of Alberta.

Please visit our website for more information.


DEC: Global Matchmaker

Decentralised Energy Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

DEC’s Global Matchmaker program aims to connect Canadian companies to international export opportunities. The program is designed to target specific export markets and provides facilitated connections to establish trade opportunities, create business development, and enhance lead generation.

With support from Global Affairs Canada, DEC developed an International Business Development Strategy with a goal to stimulate international trade and thereby leverage the competitiveness of Canada’s DE industry. This effort was the genesis of our Global Matchmaker Series. As of 2021 we have delivered trade programs in Nigeria and the Caribbean. DEC is committed to further developing international trade of the Canadian DE sector by assessing market entry options and formulating entry strategies, including support services for partnership development.

Focus areas:

  • Energy Generation
  • Grid Modernization
  • Energy Integration & Optimization

Please visit our website for more information.


DEC: impACT Careers

Decentralised Energy Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

ImpACT Careers connects job seekers to high quality employers and job opportunities in sustainability. This program shows how the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals are being integrated into Canada’s job market and features some of the most progressive corporate leaders in sustainability. Participate in this program and learn how your career choice can have a positive impACT on Canada’s sustainable, resilient and affordable energy future.

ImpACT Careers is a one-year program that provides visibility to companies that are considered highly desirable employers with career opportunities in sustainability. If your company is ready to toot its own horn and talk about its sustainability achievements to a rapidly growing audience of new graduates and transitioning qualified professionals, we would be honored to have you front and center in the program. 

Please visit our website for more information.


Digital Accelerator for Innovation and Research (DAIR) Cloud Program


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The DAIR Cloud Program connects Canadian startups to each other, and to free cloud resources and expertise in next generation technologies.

Think of DAIR as a bundle of resources intended to give a boost to Canadian startups and SMEs. We’ve put together a package of resources to help get your business off the ground or to the next level.

Did we mention there’s no cost? We don’t ask for your payment information and qualifying is simple: if you’re a Canadian business with fewer than 500 employees, you’re eligible to access DAIR for rapid and scalable design, development, validation, and demonstration of your product or service.

CANARIE is funded by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to spark Canadian innovation and accelerate research and discovery. The goal of the DAIR Cloud Program is to give Canadian start-ups and SMEs a boost toward commercialization.

For more information, please visit our website.

  • Food-Agriculture

EDC Performance Security Insurance

Export Development Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

EDC can insure up to 95% of your losses if a customer wrongfully calls a letter of guarantee or if a call is triggered by you not being able to meet your obligations due to specific political risks. Dealing with customers you don’t know, in markets you don’t know, can be risky. Take on new business confidently. Insure yourself in case of a wrongful call with Performance Security Insurance.

For more information, please check out the EDC website.


EDC Portfolio Credit Insurance

Export Development Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Your accounts receivable can represent close to half your balance sheet. Protect your profits with Portfolio Credit Insurance, and get covered for 90% of your insured losses if a customer doesn’t pay.

When you insure your contracts, your bank is more willing to lend against your receivables for up to 90% of their value. We’re experts in doing business outside of Canada. We can provide you with the market intelligence and relationships you need to succeed internationally.

For more information, please visit our website.


EDC Select Credit Insurance (Trade Protect)

Export Development Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Safeguard your business against the risk of unpaid invoices and take on new contracts with confidence.

Whether selling in Canada or internationally, you need EDC Select Credit Insurance to protect your accounts receivables and profits. You work hard every day to grow your business. But every time you send a shipment or provide a service, there’s a chance you won’t get paid. Mitigate risk of nonpayment with EDC Select Credit Insurance; if a customer doesn’t pay you, we’ll cover up to 90% of your insured losses.

Until the end of 2021, EDC Select Credit Insurance is available to all Canadian businesses, whether your customer is in Canada or abroad.

Find out more on our website.


Edge Up

Calgary Economic Development

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

EDGE UP 2.0 is providing training for 320 professionals displaced from the structural change in the oil and gas sector for in demand jobs in Calgary’s digital economy. In 2021-2022, students were trained in data analytics, full stack software development, IT project management, product management with a specialization in digital marketing, cyber security, AWS cloud computing, and IT network management. Students for the Winter 2022-2023 intake will receive tech training in Data Analytics with Clean Technology Foundations. EDGE UP (Energy to Digital Growth Education and Upskilling Project) is a multi-stakeholder program launched in Calgary in 2019 to test new approaches to skills development for workers to re-engage with technology jobs being created in all sectors of Calgary’s economy.


Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program

Western Economic Diversification Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Western Canadians who have a disability can access a network of business professionals and a world of resources through Western Economic Diversification Canada’s Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP). The EDP provides business information, training and development, mentoring and one-on-one counseling services.

The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) provides access to business services across Western Canada, including:

  • mentoring and one-on-one counseling services;
  • access to business training and development;
  • business loans (in some locations); and
  • help to identify requirements for specialized equipment.

The program provides entrepreneurs with disabilities access to business loans if they can’t get financing from a financial institution. The loan terms are flexible and made to meet your needs. Contact the organization serving your area for more information on loans and services available:

Website: Prospect Human Services Society
Telephone: 780-705-9677
Toll Free: 1-877-483-2562
Fax: 780-758-9674

Website: Momentum
Telephone: 403-272-9323
Fax: 403-235-4646
Email: info@momentum.org


Environmental Technology Assessment Portal (E-TAP)

Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

COSIA’s Environmental Technology Assessment Portal (E-TAP) provides an effective means to tap into the global environmental sector for solutions to current and future technology gaps and opportunities. If you have a technology idea you would like to submit on a non-confidential basis to COSIA for consideration then.

COSIA has four Environmental Priority Areas (EPAs): Tailings, Water, Land and Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). The EPAs are seeking technologies, practical solutions, research and/ or technology ‘widgets’ that can help accelerate environmental performance improvement in Canada’s oil sands. The objective is to identify and assess ideas that could be potential solutions to our current and future technology gaps and opportunities.

For more information, please check out our website.

  • Other

EO Accelerator

Entrepeneurs’ Organization (EO)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

At Accelerator, our mission is to empower entrepreneurs with the tools, accountability and community to aggressively grow and master their business.

As a first-stage entrepreneur, you face new challenges every day. Whether it’s determining how you’re going to fill the rush of new orders, deciding how you’re going to penetrate new markets or figuring out how you’re going to make payroll, it seems at times you find yourself wishing you had an instruction manual for your business. 

Accelerator, an Entrepreneurs’ Organization program, is the catalyst that enables first-stage entrepreneurs to catapult your business to the next level. Our mission is to empower you with the tools you need to grow your business to more than US$1 million in sales and provide you with the skills to make yourself a better entrepreneur and leader.

Along with structured educational content focused on the​ core areas of first-stage businesses, the Accelerator Program affords you the unique experience of learning from and connecting with the world’s most influential entrepreneurs

  • Other

EO Executive Education

Entrepeneurs’ Organization (EO)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

EO is proud to offer members the opportunity to learn at a more intense level through executive-education programming. Our programs strive to bring members to new levels of leadership in business and beyond. Through a variety of partnerships, EO challenges members’ assumptions, tests their ways of doing business and introduces them to new ways of thinking. Most important, members return to their business with fresh ideas, new skills, a toolkit of resources and a greater capacity for addressing the challenges they and their company will face.

Our executive-education programs include: Entrepreneurial Masters Program (EMP) Key Executive Program (KEP) London Business School Growth Forum (LBS) EO@Wharton: Elevating Finance + Operations EO@IMD: Navigating Your Family BusinessFor any Open Opportunities of interest, be sure to read the Guidelines Document to fully understand the scope and focus of the opportunity.

Please visit our website for programs near you.

  • Other

EO Mentorship

Entrepeneurs’ Organization (EO)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

EO Mentorship fosters relationships aimed at high-level leadership and personal development within a structured timeframe. Throughout the mentorship process, Mentees work toward goals and establish personal accountability, while Mentors support them through next-level education and engagement.

EO Mentorship relationships last 10-12 months, during which the Mentee and Mentor meet face-to-face or virtually for one to three hours each month to work toward setting and realizing personalized, measurable and attainable goals. EO will help facilitate the application and matching process, through either a chapter-based program or the global virtual mentorship platform. From there, Mentees drive the relationship. After a year, the relationship ends with a celebration of achievements. As a way to “pay it forward,” Mentees are encouraged to serve as a Mentor to an EO Accelerator and EO GSEA participant, or another EO member.

For more information, please check out our website.

  • Other


StartUp Edmonton

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

On June 22 and 24, 2020, as part of ongoing efforts to listen, learn, and act to build a diverse and welcoming tech community, Startup Edmonton hosted roundtables with Black entrepreneurs in the community to engage on issues of inequality in the entrepreneurship journey. One of the takeaways from those roundtables was that Startup Edmonton could action the proposed recommendations through launching our first program cohort exclusively for Black founders.

This program is a combination of our Business Model 101 and Discover & Validate Series, focused on business ideation and customer validation with mentorship and stories from successful Black founders along the way.

Visit our website for more information.


Francophone Economic Development Organizations

Western Economic Diversification Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

In April 2001, Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) welcomed the four Francophone Economic Development Organizations (FEDOs) to the Western Canada Business Service Network. FEDOs enhance the vitality of minority language communities in Western Canada and assist in their economic development.

These independent entities have their own boards of directors with broad representation from their respective provinces. Board members are knowledgeable about business as well as the challenges facing francophone entrepreneurs.

Support from WD enables these regional organizations to provide enhanced services to Francophones including training, business and community economic development, access to capital, information services, marketing advice, networking and mentoring.


Full Stack Developer Program


Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

InceptionU’s Full Stack Developer program is a full-time 6-month course, designed to develop the technical skills needed to become a Full Stack Developer, and to help learners adopt a growth mindset to future-proof themselves in an ever-changing digital economy. A Full Stack Developer is a person who has the skills to do back-end development work (coding, databases design, and programming) and front-end development work (design and UX/UI).

Led by an on-site team lead, learners engage in project-based experiences delivered both online and in the classroom. Participants learn to state and analyze complex problems, uncover assumptions, collaborate with peers and distinguish between what is known and unknown to drive effective systems development.

For more information, please check out the website.

  • Environment
  • Food-Agriculture
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Pipeline

Futurpreneur Canada Newcomer Program

Futurpreneur Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

If you’re new to Canada and don’t have a credit history, Futurpreneur Canada wants to help you launch your business. We provide tailored support and eligibility criteria to reflect your new status in Canada.

If you are new to Canada with an established credit history, you may be eligible for up to $60,000 in financing through our Start-up offering.

Please visit our website for more information.


Futurpreneur Growth Accelerator

Futurpreneur Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Futurpreneur Canada is proud to present the Growth Accelerator, an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to take their businesses to new heights. Now offered virtually, the program will connect an exclusive cohort of young entrepreneurs across the country, enabling them to network and share ideas as they scale their businesses.

Who Should Apply?

This initiative, launched in partnership with Spin Master Inc. and Vancity Community Investment Bank (VCIB), and supported by Dentons Canada and Ramp Communications, is open to Futurpreneur-supported entrepreneurs who are ready to grow their start-up.

Participants will benefit from:

· A peer-to-peer support group of like-minded entrepreneurs

· Access to a 1-on-1 consultation with Spin Master, VCIB and industry experts

· Industry-specific knowledge and skills provided by our partners

· Networking opportunities with experts, mentors and other cohort members

For more information, please visit our website.


Glenrose Rehabilitation Research, Innovation & Technology (GRRIT) Hub

Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The overall goal is to more directly develop innovative ideas into meaningful improvements in the quality of life for people with physical and cognitive impairment in both the clinical and community environments. In addition, Glenrose Rehabilitation Research, Innovation & Technology (GRRIT) assists in developing new opportunities for the industrial and academic collaborators that will create economic benefits for GRH and the wider community.

Through the use of existing AHS resources coupled with funding provided by the GRH Foundation and external funding agencies/groups, GRRIT will develop the mechanisms and provide the support in a flexible form to allow appropriate collaborations with the dual purpose of improving the lives of our clients and their families while creating opportunities for our collaborators and partners.

GRRIT will provide flexible support for technical assistance, release time for physicians and clinicians, traineeships and small amounts of specialized equipment for projects that fit into its mandate. It is not meant to control research and innovation occurring in the Glenrose but is available for projects that can lead to improvements in the quality of life for our patient populations and their caregivers.

For more information, please visit our website.


GO Productivity: Business Transformation Customized

GO Productivity

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Your success is our success, so we make sure each of our services are tailored to your needs. We select and combine from our pool of knowledge and tools to fulfill your specific needs.

  • Lean Fundamentals and Process Mapping
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Data Analytics
  • Digital Transformation
  • Business Process Engineering
  • Financial Analysis
  • Strategic Planning
  • Innovation Program Design
  • Supply Chain Collaboration

Please visit our website for more information.


GO Productivity: Lean Six Sigma Training

GO Productivity

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Improve productivity and manage efficiency challenges day to day through our Lean Six Sigma training. We’ll design an applied learning program with you, and for you at your company. We’ll deliver a transformational program that will have your team actively engaged in solving your challenges and problems.

Please visit our website for more information.


Go Productivity: The ARC

GO Productivity

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Increase your business performance and bottom line. The ARC helps companies at any stage of their producivity journey to improve productivity, cut costs and increase profitability.

Start with our Productivity Assessment Tool to help your company understand its gaps and strengths around our 6 core pillars including Leadership & Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, Business Strategy, Customer Service, and Project Management.

We work with you to create a focused action plan for improving productivity. The roadmap also helps to build team alignment and increases innovation capacity within your organization.

We introduce and emphasize key productivity concepts and models for laying down a foundation of continuous improvement. We want to see you succeed, so we will provide coaching and  help measure success to celebrate the wins!

Please visit our website for more information.


Google for Startups Accelerator Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Google for Startups Accelerator Canada is a 10-week accelerator program for Seed to Series A Canadian technology startups.

The accelerator is designed to bring the best of Google’s programs, products, people and technology to startups that leverage machine learning and AI in their company today or plan to in the future. In addition to mentorship and technical project support, the accelerator also includes deep dives and workshops focused on product design, customer acquisition and leadership development for founders.


Google for Startups Accelerator: Women Founders

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Google for Startups Accelerator: Women Founders is a 10-week digital accelerator program for Seed to Series A technology startups based in the U.S. and Canada.

The accelerator is designed to bring the best of Google’s programs, products, people and technology to women-led tech startups across the region. In addition to mentorship and technical project support, the accelerator also includes deep dives and workshops focused on product design, customer acquisition and leadership development for founders.


Green Hectares: Big Exchange

Green Hectares

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The purpose of the Big Exchange is to give rural entrepreneurs and community groups an opportunity to

  • network more effectively,
  • to understand how to use resources better
  • to remove barriers for themselves and their community
  • to find solutions that work for rural business and community organizations

By creating an online event, Green Hectares removes the barriers of time and geography and allows for people to  have the same networking opportunities their urban counterparts might have.  We find amazing experts in their fields on topics suggested by rural entrepreneurs. The sessions generally start out very general with big ideas and then move to practical, usable advice as the questions from the entrepreneurs begin to ask for advice.

Our events generally run for two hours with limited spots available for each session.  Currently we are scheduling these events in the last week of every month.

Please visit our website for more information, or to sign up.


Green Hectares: Online Communities of Interest

Green Hectares

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Online communities can congregate around a shared interest, but can be spread across multiple websites. There may be more than one website to go to find any one online community. Their meaning can change depending on who is defining them. Universally, however, there are things that show signs of a community. They are:

  • Content: articles, information, and news about a topic of interest to a group of people
  • Forums or newsgroups and email: so that your community members can communicate in delayed fashion
  • Chat and instant messaging: so that the community members can communicate more immediately.​

Green Hectares will support existing online communities by linking these communities through various channels that they have in place. Creating a collective meeting space for the five main areas of:

  • Crops
  • Environment
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Livestock
  • Rural Development

For more information, please visit our website.


Green Hectares: Online Facilitation

Green Hectares

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

All Community Connector Facilitators have been trained by the Sirolli Enterprise team to provide support to local entrepreneurs in realizing their business dreams. The Sirolli Enterprise team has over 30 years of personal business experience and have been intimately involved in the development, launch and implementation of economic development initiatives worldwide since 1997. The Entrepreneurial Development Program is a community based economic development tool.

The program is a free and confidential service that is offered within project areas and online, to anyone who wishes to open or operate a business. The facilitator assists clients in conducting market research, developing business plans, securing financing, locating commercial or retail space, and obtaining permits and approvals from appropriate government entities.

The methodology has provided a philosophical and practical basis for operations to Green Hectares Management Team and their Resource Boards. The Resource Boards have learned about the Trinity of Management and have an understanding of how Facilitators coach entrepreneurs.

Please check our website for more information.


Green Hectares: R.E.A.L Training

Green Hectares

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Bringing the agricultural and rural leaders of tomorrow into the online spaces of today, REAL (Rural Entrepreneurs and Agriculture Leaders) Training is a program that equips young people in rural areas with the ability to engage with agriculturally and economically diverse communities through ongoing online training and tools, short-term mentorships and improved networking activities.

Green Hectares will help create an environment where those with a vested interest in agriculture and food would thrive. Rural and agri businesses need engaged leaders with training to support that community. The result is a dynamic partnership, linking established rural practices with future unlimited potential.
REAL Training will include virtual and face to face events across Canada, providing instruction to young leaders in the agriculture and food sectors.

Please visit our website to learn more.


Green Hectares: The Community Connector

Green Hectares

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Community Connector Program (CCP) facilitates effective and sustainable use of resources, experts, spaces, and programs already available to the community while encouraging people to connect, collaborate and learn from and with each other.

Based on the premise that every rural community is unique and has the capacity to shape its own future, the CCP provides a model for community development that is adaptable and community-driven. The success of the program hinges on local community action and champions for the project. The CCP establishes regional Community Connector projects in communities in partnership with Green Hectares.

Through this partnership arrangement, the local community has ownership in the project but gains a replicable model and support from Green Hectares. Partnering communities are required to provide financial or in kind support for this position and in return Green Hectares hires a local facilitator, provides training and mentorship, manages the project and provides useful outcomes and information back to the community.

Please visit our website for more information.


Growth Catalyst Program

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Growth Catalyst program is built from proven methodologies and approaches that result in impactful growth strategies. Value is achieved by educating and coaching a cross-functional company team using practical tools in an accelerated and disciplined way.

Through reviews of global evidence2, roundtables, and interviews with SME leaders, we identified 7 Scaling Strategies™, as different strategic orientations that business leaders & owners use to scale-up, as showcased in the journey map.


Growth Marketing

Platform Calgary

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Frustrated with the return on your marketing spend? Want to generate awareness, leads and increase sales? Need better marketing outcomes on the ASAP? 321 Growth Academy can help.  We support entrepreneurs in building the kind of marketing engine that grows revenues.

Growth Marketing is our in-depth course for founders and their team members. Over 45+ hours, you’ll learn everything you need to know about revenue-focused Marketing – from the fundamentals to marketing campaigns – all while applying what you learn in your business in real-time.

  • Environment
  • Food-Agriculture
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Pipeline

Harvest Builders: Studio Services

Harvest Builders

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Harvest’s Studio Services provide startups with a flexible and integrated co-build experience to develop targeted strategies and solid infrastructure for their growth marketing, finance & fundraising, and talent management functions.

When you participate in our Studio Services, your startup benefits from a collaborative approach to building its growth marketing, finance & fundraising, and recruitment functions. Our resident experts tailor our proven playbooks to fill skill gaps and develop ready to execute plans your team can implement to grow faster.

Please visit our website for more information.


Harvest Builders: The Academy

Harvest Builders

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Master the fundamentals of startup growth.

Hands-on learning

The Academy delivers experiential hands-on learning through structured courses and interactive workshops that teach founders essential concepts and advanced strategies for business growth.

One playbook, several learning tracks

Sessions are led by resident experts who leverage Harvest’s proven playbook that has launched and scaled some of North America’s fastest growing companies. All participants leave with ready-to-execute strategies.

Please visit our website for more information.


Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta (HREBA) 

Alberta Innovates

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta (HREBA) is hosted by Alberta Innovates and consists of three committees – the Cancer Committee, the Clinical Trials Committee and the Community Health Committee. These committees provide ethical reviews and ongoing ethical oversight of cancer and community-based research involving humans, their information and biological samples.

HREBA safeguards the rights and welfare of individuals who volunteer to participate in research by ensuring ethical principles have been considered by researchers and applied prior to and throughout the conduct of the research.

While focused on the protection of research participants, HREBA wants to ensure that research maximizes benefit while minimizing harms.

Please visit our website to learn more.

  • Other

ICTC GO Talent Program

Information and Communications Technology Council

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The GO Talent program provides employers with the opportunity to connect with hundreds of Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs) with an IT background who are within days, weeks or months of arriving in Canada as permanent residents. Employers can submit job postings and gain full access to our IEP talent pool through the newly launched job portal on eTalent Canada.

For more information please visit our website.


ICTC: Women in Technology (WIT)

Information and Communications Technology Council

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The WIT Connect initiative aims to deepen and expand ICTC’s gender-based measures and build a more inclusive measurable national framework of solutions to increase gender parity, address systemic barriers, and improve the attraction, retention and advancement of women in the ICT sector, based on feedback and shared knowledge from a cross-representation of women (in and not in STEM – including women who have exited or experienced barriers to entry) and input from employers and stakeholders in the sector.

Through WIT Connect, ICTC and its partners and stakeholders from private sector, education, government, and community organizations will create measurable actions that will illustrate best practices and inform enhancements to ICTC’s Diversity & Inclusion Readiness Scale for industry to use to advance the attraction, retention and career advancement of women in Canada’s digital-based economy.

This project is funded by Status of Women Canada.

For more information, please visit our website.


InnoTech Alberta Analysis & Testing Services

InnoTech Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

InnoTech Alberta offers a variety of analysis & testing services. Here is a list of the services:

Please visit our website to learn more.

  • Environment
  • Forestry
  • Oil and Gas
  • Other

InnoTech Alberta Processing Technologies

InnoTech Alberta

Min :0 - Max :0

Application Deadline:

InnoTech Alberta offers a variety of programs to assist in the research, development and processing. Here is the list of programs:

Please visit our website to learn more.

  • Environment
  • Forestry
  • Oil and Gas
  • Other

InnoTech Alberta Reservoir & Geosciences Services

InnoTech Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Innotech Alberta’s Reservoir & Geosciences offers a variety of programs  for heavy oil research and development. The list of programs include:

Please visit our website to learn more.

  • Environment
  • Forestry
  • Oil and Gas
  • Other

Innovate Calgary

Innovate Calgary

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Innovate Calgary is the innovation transfer and business incubator centre for the University of Calgary. As part of the Office of the Vice-President (Research) portfolio, and as a member of the UCalgary innovation ecosystem, we work closely with researchers, faculty, and students to help bridge the gap between discovery and creating economic and societal impact. We do this by going beyond traditional technology transfer services to include focused startup support programs and services for research-intensive companies.  

Innovate Calgary also manages the programming for the Life Sciences Innovation Hub that offers access to infrastructure, equipment, expertise, and startup support services for life science-based companies.  

Leverage University of Calgary-based research to help solve an existing business problem and reduce your business risk.

Please contact us for more information.


Innovate Calgary: Expert Advisors

Innovate Calgary

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Expert Advisor Program (EA Program) matches early-stage startup companies with seasoned experts to help them achieve their business goals. This program leverages the domain expertise of advisors to help entrepreneurs complete specific deliverables within a timeline. Advisors on the roster have deep expertise in areas such as business strategy, raising capital, regulatory affairs, intellectual property, marketing and branding among other topics. Their experiences and successes help startups avoid common pitfalls and streamline their path to success. 

Please visit our website for more information.


Innovate Edmonton Innovation Ecosystem

Innovate Edmonton

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Innovate Edmonton facilitates an innovation ecosystem that embraces the breadth of the city and builds productive relationships across the urban fabric – communities, government, schools, colleges and universities, companies, firms, founders and entrepreneurs, and cultural communities. From each of these groups we draw out new ideas, solutions, concepts, and initiatives that are applied to opportunities and global problems. 

We create, curate, and promote programs, networks, forums, communication channels, funding, investment, and spaces to ensure our reach is effective and visible to the whole community. Our support begins with our thriving tech sector and extends to Edmonton’s social, sustainable, cultural, and economic sectors and beyond.  

Together, we will elevate Edmonton as an innovation capital, a global centre of excitement, opportunity, and growth that secures an economic future for Edmonton’s residents, communities and companies. 

Please visit our website for more information.


intelliFLEX Membership

Intelliflex Innovation Alliance

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

No company can do it all themselves.

That’s why in the world of Printable, Flexible and Hybrid Electronics (FHE), if you’re not partnering with other companies and organizations, then you’re likely falling behind.

intelliFLEX accelerates the growth and development of the FHE sector in North America and abroad. The Innovation Alliance delivers a built-in ecosystem and supply chain that complements your company’s internal capabilities, providing a network across Canada unparalleled in the industry. Our members specialize in materials, R&D, manufacturing, components, software and a host of other areas.

We focus on the needs and requirements of our Members, as identified by our Sector Leadership Council through extensive and regular consultation.

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Other

Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce

Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

As the Voice Of Business, our Chamber currently has a membership of over 800 local businesses, which equates to about 12,000 employees. As well, close to 150 business people volunteer their time working on our various committees, Executive and Board of Directors. 

To facilitate this process we offer a number of network building events and often combine these with educational opportunities. We also love the opportunity to recognize greatness with our annual Business of the Year Awards Gala and Top 40 Under Forty.

We offer members the advantage of discounts to reduce the cost of doing business, to encourage support of local businesses and to help provide employee retention incentives. The Chamber Group Insurance Plan is a great advantage to our members. We also provide marketing opportunities online, through social media, in the Voice of Business weekly newsletter and at our events.  

Please visit our website to learn more.


Lethbridge College: AgENT

Lethbridge College

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

AgENT is an extracurricular program at Lethbridge College that provides experiential learning opportunities for students to develop foundational skills in innovation and entrepreneurship. Students involved in AgENT have the opportunity to build their creative confidence and entrepreneurial mindset, helping them become agents of change. Entrepreneurship is about turning ideas into action; it’s not just about starting a business. Visit with our team today to learn more about why we believe all students need these skills.

Lethbridge College student-entrepreneurs are ready and eager to find solutions to the challenges you are facing in your business or industry.

As an industry partner in AgENT, you will guide student-entrepreneurs as they innovate and problem solve during our inspiring Mentor Meet Ups.

Please visit our website to learn more.


Lethbridge Region Community Futures: Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge

Community Futures Alberta

Min :1000 - Max :150000

Application Deadline:

The Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge (CEC) is more than a competition; it is an opportunity to build on your dream. It is a business plan writing competition designed and targeted toward new or existing business (individuals, or teams) who have a sustainable business idea. Through the program you will gain business skills, write your business plan, get feedback on your ideas from regional professionals, network with key people including other entrepreneurs like yourself, and last but not least, have a chance at winning cash and in-kind prizes. Due to the amazing support from our sponsors, we are able to offer both a general and a technology stream.

Please visit our website for more information.


Life Sciences SME Commercialization Platform

Institute of Health Economics (IHE)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Health economics evidence is not only a good business decision – it’s expected.

Health economics serves a critical function for life sciences small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In addition to clinical data demonstrating safety and efficacy, SMEs require health economics data and analysis to demonstrate that their innovations are cost-effective for health systems and represent a good use of resources. Without this key component of their evidentiary package (i.e., documentation that must be submitted to healthcare organizations during the procurement process), SMEs are challenged to successfully commercialize their products.

The IHE has a dedicated Life Sciences SME Commercialization Platform within the Institute that collaborates with and provides support for SMEs in the life sciences.

The IHE provides services to:

  • educate SMEs and support organizations (e.g., accelerators) on the value and use of health economics to support procurement efforts;
  • assess early-stage technology and provide innovators and investors with insights into commercial potential given the anticipated economic evidentiary requirements and hurdles that innovators will need to meet and overcome to eventually market a technology that is attractive to payers; and
  • model the value proposition for market-ready technology in order to prepare the adoption case for new technology and support procurement/market access efforts; and
  • support clinical trial activities and document the economic value of a technology using data captured during trials, in order to support SMEs to prepare complete (clinical and economic) evidence packages for procurement purposes.

The IHE Life Sciences SME Commercialization Platform is a self-contained entity within the IHE, with dedicated professional and research staff and infrastructure. It has robust firewalls between it and publicly funded programs, and a clear Conflict of Interest policy and management process. It remains under the ultimate authority of the IHE Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer.

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Health

Lunch without Lunch Calgary

Rainforest Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Curious what’s happening in the tech industry in Alberta?

Join us weekly on Wednesdays for Lunch Without Lunch to hear about the players, events, and news that are making our innovation ecosystem thrive. This weekly meeting is a regular check on the pulse of the community, open to people from any age, wage, or stage of company.

  • Environment
  • Food-Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Omics
  • Pipeline
  • Other

Lunch without Lunch Edmonton

Rainforest Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

LWOL is an informal get-together for Edmonton entrepreneurs, small business owners, academia, investors, and service providers. Anyone looking to encourage collisions between people and create connections that will help drive the success of entrepreneurs in Alberta’s innovation system is welcome to attend. The event runs on Zoom from noon – 1 pm every Wednesday.

  • Environment
  • Food-Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Omics
  • Pipeline
  • Other

MHC Corporate Training

Medicine Hat College

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

No matter what your organization’s strategic direction, keeping your leaders, managers, supervisors, and employees’ skills current is key to your organization’s success. Your needs are constantly changing and contracted training is a customized and flexible way to meet those needs directly, affordably and effectively. Investing in your employees is essential to developing, maintaining, and expanding your business. Our customized training solutions provide your team members with the skills and knowledge they need to keep your business growing in a way that’s convenient for you. In an increasingly competitive workforce, enhancing the productivity and efficiency of an organization and increasing employee satisfaction is critical to business and personal success.

We also understand that your business and training goals are unique. Whatever your objective, we can work with you and your organization to customize training solutions, and provide business consultation to meet your needs. Our aim is to provide training and education that suits your goals, your schedule, and your budget. Training can be conducted at the college, your place of business, or any location that is convenient for you.

Please visit our website for more information.


MHC Entrepreneur Development Centre

Medicine Hat College

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Our goal is to empower a new generation of entrepreneurial thinkers and doers in southeastern Alberta. We prepare learners to build careers and businesses through practical experiential learning.

Learners can expect hands-on foundational entrepreneurship skill development, mentorship and theory that can be quickly applied to career and business ambitions.

There are a variety of programs offered, please visit our website for more information.


NABI: Day-to-Day Services

Northern Alberta Business Incubator Society (NABI)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

NABI’s day-to-day business services help entrepreneurs manage their business while providing a professional look and feel. With our packages, you can choose the option that’s right for you and your business.

Services include:

  • Corporate Mail Membership
  • Corporate Identity Membership

For more information, please visit our website.


NWP: Centre for Research & Innovation

Grande Prairie Regional College, Centre for Research & Innovation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Our institution is a research and innovation hub in northwestern Alberta. With staff and student researchers active in a range of specialty areas – including business innovation, advanced microbiology, sustainable systems, community enhancement, and human health and wellness – we have the expertise to support community initiatives and address persistent industry problems.

Interested in working with our institution? Have a technical issue or research problem that you need help solving?

Please contact us for more information.

  • ICT
  • Other

NWP: National Bee Diagnostic Centre

Grande Prairie Regional College, Centre for Research & Innovation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The National Bee Diagnostic Centre is currently still open to receive samples and provide support to beekeepers and industry. Updates will be provided if changes in services occur.

Our National Bee Diagnostic Centre (NBDC) is the first comprehensive laboratory in Canada to provide a full array of diagnostic services for honey bee pests, pathogens, and parasites.

NBDC provides diagnostic services for beekeepers, researchers and agencies across Canada. We use microbiology, microscopy and molecular techniques to identify pathogens that affect pollinator health.

NBDC is proud to be one of 30 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)-funded Technology Access Centres in Canada. As a member of the Tech Access Canada network, NBDC provides applied research, training, outreach, and innovation services for the beekeeping industry.

We welcome collaborations with industry and researchers! If you are interested in visiting our lab and meeting our researchers, please contact us.

Please visit our website to learn more!

  • ICT
  • Other

Olds College Crop Research Program

Olds College Center of Innovation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Olds College is located on 2,800 acres of prime farmland in central Alberta, and the Olds College Centre for Innovation’s Crops division has dedicated fields for applied research purposes. Crops research – as small plot trials or full field investigations – is a key part of our research portfolio. With a 2,800 acre farm, greenhouses, labs, and a microbrewery, Olds College is an ideally situated partner with you to address your applied research requirements.

Crops Research Goals

  • To develop and test ways to improve agronomic practices, and helping clients do the same.
  • To help producers and agriculture companies enhance their yield, while consuming fewer resources.
  • To assist producers transition to a climate-resilient agriculture economy.

For more information, please visit our website. 


Olds College Entrepreneurship Support

Olds College Center of Innovation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Olds College actively builds a culture of entrepreneurship across our entire province through training, support for entrepreneurs, learning enterprises, and business incubators. If you are developing a product related to livestock production, crops, wetland management, or turf grass applications, give us a call or fill out our client intake form.

Our Entrepreneurship Goals

  • To support businesses by guiding them to the right networks using our own network of businesses and organizations throughout Alberta and Canada.
  • To provide training and resources to developers to help them market their products effectively.
  • To encourage innovation, create and sustain a healthy economy, and solve problems within the agricultural industry.

Please visit our website for more information.


Olds College Land and Water Environmental Research

Olds College Center of Innovation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

With our constructed wetlands facility, Olds College is the place to go for wetland management solutions, applied research, and education. Our facility serves as a model to demonstrate the way wetlands can help reduce negative impacts on our environment and the increasing demand for clean water. We are producing high-quality recycled water through the removal of sediments, contaminants and undesirable nutrients with the use of plants for phytoremediation and new cold climate technologies, while researching wetlands in cold, high latitude climates. Together the constructed wetlands and the Botanical Garden provide an outdoor laboratory for students, an industry training site, and a nucleus for community programs – all in one. Extensive wetland applied research is also carried on in the Olds College greenhouses and off-campus sites with various industry partners.

Our Research Goals

  • To find ways to negate water shortages, a problem that threatens the future of not just Canada, but the world at large.
  • To find natural and efficient methods of irrigation by spearheading research that has never been done before.
  • To create ways to promote and enable effective environmental stewardship through its research.

Please visit our website to learn more.


Power Hour – Calgary

Rainforest Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Power Hour is a chance for you to harness the collective knowledge of the community to help you get over your current hurdles in building your next big idea. It’s also a great event for problem-solvers who want to flex their muscles and do some critical thinking. Held the last Tuesday of the month from 6-7pm.

  • Environment
  • Food-Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Omics
  • Pipeline
  • Other

Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur

Prince’s Charities Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

As a member of the military and Veteran community (still-serving members, Reservists, Veterans and military spouses and partners), you have unique and valuable skills that you can use to make real and meaningful contributions for you, your family and your community.

Our Operation Entrepreneur program is focused on helping you connect, progress and evolve your business. More than entrepreneurial skills training, we empower you to be part of something bigger as you move your business forward.

The program helps you build connections that last. You’ll collaborate and partner with organizations and individuals who share the belief that moving forward is something we do together. We connect you with fellow entrepreneurs and create opportunities to build networks and community.

The focus is on you and helping you to create meaningful lasting connections for this next step in your life. We collaborate with academic partners, industry experts and business leaders to create a dynamic ecosystem of support, with access to more of what you need to succeed.

Please note that POE does not provide financial assistance as stated but does offer a suite of free programs and services.

  • Other


StartUp Edmonton

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:


Ready to boost your startup? Propel is our 12-week pre-accelerator program designed to support Alberta-based, early-stage, scalable digital technology startup founders by offering hands-on, individual support from expert mentors who have been there, a roadmap to build sales strategies, investment education and support as well as programming to find product-market fit or prepare to scale.

This exciting opportunity to participate in Propel is free-of-charge to founders and up to 2 additional team members which is made possible through the support of Alberta Innovates

Cohort 4:

  • Applications open: June 21, 2021
  • Application close: August 8, 2021
  • Shortlisted companies notified: August 27, 2021
  • Program Runs: September 13 – December 3, 2021 

Visit our website for more information.


RDC: Applied Research and Development Consulting

Red Deer College Office of Applied Research and Innovation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Red Deer College is proud of our focus on applied research. We connect our students and instructors with businesses and entrepreneurs to collaborate, innovate and find solutions to real-world problems.

Do you have an idea or project in mind? We’d love to collaborate with you to bring your idea to life!

We can start with a conversation, and then collaborate in our state-of-the-art facilities that include the Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing and Alternative Energy Lab.

For more information, please visit our website.


Research Agreements with Industry

University of Calgary

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The University of Calgary assists companies in a wide variety of industry sectors with research which contributes to product/process development and improvement. These collaborations can be accommodated either through research contract or grant agreements. In addition, the University has access to a number of funding programs and research consortia which provide matched or shared funding to further leverage any funds contributed by an industry partner.

  • Environment
  • Food-Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Omics
  • Pipeline
  • Other

Research Facilities Navigator

Canada Foundation for Innovation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Find research facilities in universities, colleges, hospitals, and federal government departments and agencies across Canada that are open to working with you on your research and innovation needs. 

The Navigator is an online directory of research facilities in public research institutions across Canada that have what you need to innovate and succeed:

  • Research experts who can understand your R&D objectives and help you develop a plan to succeed
  • State-of-the-art equipment for testing new ideas and enhancing products or processes
  • Opportunities to connect with highly skilled researchers and industry leaders in your field, and
  • Access to students and potential future employees.


Service Alberta: Corporate Registry

Government of Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

A business name does not have a legal existence in its own right. It is simply a name used by one or more persons to represent their business to the public. That means the sole proprietor or partners are personally responsible for the debts and obligations of the business.

Registering a business name does not grant any right of ownership of the name. It is simply proof that the name is being used by a particular business.

If you need help deciding if a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation is the best form of business, we highly recommended you get legal advice.

Service providers will charge a government fee and a service fee to register your business name.

Please check out our website for more information.


Silicon Valley digital – Canadian Technology Accelerator

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Are you looking to scale your technology business? The San Francisco and Silicon Valley region is the leading global hub for technology, venture capital and entrepreneurship.

Canadian tech start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises can achieve their business objectives and capitalize on opportunities by accessing the unique resources of the Silicon Valley.

The Canadian Technology Accelerator (CTA) program in Silicon Valley provides an entry point to qualified firms seeking funding, partnerships and business development services.


Smart Agriculture and Food Innovation

Alberta Innovates

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

In order to take advantages of opportunities and meeting the challenges of the future, Alberta’s agriculture and food industries need to accelerate adoption of new technologies, products and services.

The purpose of the Smart Agriculture and Food Innovation program is to support academic institution or agriculture and food industry driven projects that explore these new technologies, products and services. Our goal is to grow Alberta’s economy and enhance Alberta’s knowledge workforce through development and application of emerging technology.

We invest in projects that focus on the following:

  • The development of science, processes and products required to support smart agriculture.
  • Advance and increase the adoption of digital and technology solutions (for example, genomics, sensors, geospatial imaging, geomatics, analytics, and more).
  • Sustainable crop and livestock management, and resilience to climate change.
  • Food, beverage and natural health product innovation that use existing agriculture commodities to create added value.

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Other

Smart City Alliance Membership

Alberta Smart City Alliance

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Alberta Smart City Alliance is the only organization dedicated to the advancement of innovative technological and data-based solutions to many of the complex issues facing Alberta municipalities.

Membership is available at NO COST and has many rewards, such as access to Smart City publications, discounted prices for learning / networking events, and direct collaboration opportunities with other forward-thinking governments, corporations, entrepreneurs, and academic innovators.

Specifically, members enjoy:

  • access to experts and other leaders in public, private, and academic organizations focused on advancing Smart City innovations;
  • access to member information and projects that would benefit from collaboration / multiple partners, and researchers investigating solutions to real-world problems;
  • full access to the Alliance website, including Smart City research, blogs, best practices, news, social media connections;
  • recognition as an organization committed to the future of Alberta’s communities (including specific acknowledgement on the Alliance website, event marketing, etc.); and
  • discounted admission and preferred sponsorship and speaking opportunities at Alliance events, such as the large Alberta Smart City Symposium attended by hundreds of public and private sector leaders;

For more information or to contact us, please visit our website.


Spatial Technologies Applied Research & Training (START)

Lethbridge College

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Spatial Technologies Applied Research & Training (START) initiative was created to partner with Alberta-based organizations to apply VR/AR technologies to solve challenges in key Alberta sectors, including agriculture, energy, architecture, health care, cultural heritage and emergency response.

Visit our website for more information.


Start Up Lloyd: Human Resource for Business Success

Start Up Lloydminster

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Did you know that your approach to performing the necessary human resources functions in your business is likely the most important factor that will impact your ability to recruit, engage and retain your valued employees?

Regardless of your experience with human resources or the number of employees you have (0 – 100+.) the Series is designed to support business owners’ decisions, planning and actions throughout the Employee Life Cycle™.

Comprised of five (5) unique yet interdependent workshops, each workshop provides you with an overview to the knowledge and tools needed to support your human resources efforts and contribute to your overall business success.

Upcoming workshop dates are TBD, please visit website for more details.

  • Environment
  • Food-Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Omics
  • Pipeline
  • Other


Alberta Enterprise Corporation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

AEC and VCAA are partner organizations in StartAlberta.com; a website service to match technology companies and investors. It lists Alberta technology companies and investors who have registered on the website.


Startup Calgary

Calgary Economic Development

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Be part of the startup movement in Calgary.

Think of us as your coach. With our knowledge, know-how and connections, and a big “can do” attitude, Startup Calgary will guide and support you on your entrepreneurial journey, pointing you to what you need when you need it. Then the hustle is up to you!

In January 2021, Startup Calgary and Platform Calgary joined forces to bring together the resources and partners of Calgary’s tech startup ecosystem to create shared prosperity that will benefit all Calgarians. By coming together, Platform Calgary and Startup Calgary form an even more powerful champion for startups and will better align programming, events and resources for Calgary’s startup community.

Be the first to hear about fantastic events you won’t want to miss. Get access to the resources and support you need to build your startup. Connect with other entrepreneurs and help shape the ecosystem.

Please visit our website to learn more.


Startup Edmonton: Preflight

StartUp Edmonton

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Get ready to build a prototype or MVP (minimum viable product) to start testing what your solution should look like. We’ll dive into Design Thinking, start exploring your customer journey, identify what you should be measuring to gauge your progress and discuss when to double down or pivot your idea.


  • You have completed Foundations (Business Model 101 and the Discover & Validate Series).
  • You’ve talked to numerous potential customers.
  • At least one person you talked with said ‘I need this!’
  • Your product/business model is tech-enabled, meaning through technology it’s highly scalable and can grow beyond your own personal expertise, availability and geographic location.

Visit our website to register.


Startup Lloyd Mentorship

Start Up Lloydminster

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Mentorship is invaluable when starting or growing your own business. We have a variety of mentors to support our entrepreneurs in a variety of areas including:

  • Patents

  • Finance

  • Prototyping

  • Engineering

  • Marketing

  • Accounting

  • Business Development

  • Business Law

  • Real Estate

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Environment
  • Food-Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Omics
  • Pipeline
  • Other

Startup Services

MaRS Discovery District

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

From startups to scaleups, MaRS offers a range of services that help founders increase revenues and fuel competitive advantage. We work with more than 1,200 companies across the country, turning breakthrough ideas into products and services with global impact.


Strategic Timelines: Securing Grant Funding

Strategic Timelines Inc.

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

We can help you gain a solid understanding of the types of documentation that you need for each type of prospective grant funder. We can help you produce it, draft it and present the funding submission in a manner that significantly increases the opportunity of securing funding.  

We assist your company successfully navigate the innovation funding landscape, and, prepare innovation funding submissions including the required supporting documents – the business plan, market/competitor assessments, financing plans and financial projections.

In addition to this, we also publish 3 subscriptions designed to quickly orient your company to the innovation funding landscape. The Overview briefly describes each innovation funding program in just 26 pages; the Summary describes each funding program in 35+ pages, and, the InDepth Summary provides much more detailing in 75+ pages.  

Please visit our website to learn more!


Tecconnect Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Economic Development Lethbridge

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Tecconnect centre for entrepreneurship and innovation is exactly what it sounds like – a vibrant place for entrepreneurs to start and grow their business within a supportive and innovative environment. It’s a space and community that encourages the development of new ideas that transform industries and shape the future. 

Open since 2011, Tecconnect offers training, support and networking opportunities that connect start-ups with customers, influencers and experts. At Tecconnect we are continuously working to bring opportunities to you, and in some cases, connecting you to the interesting opportunities and people outside of the community. 

With a robust network of local, provincial and national industry connections and partnerships with post-secondary institutions and government agencies, we are working towards the common goal of helping you, the entrepreneur, succeed. As a key partner within the Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta (RINSA), we also have a direct link to innovation and business development services, as well as a Technology Development Advisor onsite. 

Please visit our website for more information


Tech-Access Canada

Tech Access Canada

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Tech-Access Canada is a non-profit organization based in Ottawa, representing the pan-Canadian network of 60 Technology Access Centres (TACs).

Canada’s TACs are the foremost leaders in college and cégep applied research. These specialized R&D centres assist Canadian businesses—particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)—by providing applied research and innovation services to build new prototypes and solve unique business challenges, as well as specialized training on the latest equipment and emerging technologies. TACs aim to enhance productivity, competitiveness and innovation results for their industry partners.

Collectively, the TAC network provides Canadian firms with access to:

  • Almost 4 million square feet of dedicated innovation and applied research space;
  • $477 million worth of state-of-the-art equipment and research facilities; and
  • over 2,000 experts in business innovation and applied R&D with in-depth industry experience.


TechInvest Alberta Services

Alberta Council of Technologies

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Competing for investment means more than having a good idea – a company needs to be “investment ready” and it is essential to have the best management team to ensure that your ideas are marketable to the world.

TechInvest solves the biggest challenges at each stage of your company’s development by working with you to build the capacity and capabilities you require for success.

TechInvest Alberta is aligned with the Alberta Council of Technologies (ABCtech) which co-hosts industry workshops, networking events, and conferences. ABCtech sessions provide unparalleled insights and knowledge sharing, with interactive talks, panel discussions and case studies presented by our preeminent network of industry veterans and rising stars.

TechInvest is interested in helping you uncover the real value of your ideas.  We welcome opportunities to meet with people and explore the potential your ideas have for the economy and society as a whole.  We would like to get to know you and what you envision for the future.


Technology Development Advisors Program

Alberta Innovates

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Our Technology Development Advisors (TDAs) provide Coaching, Community, and Capital to high potential, high growth, Technology or Knowledge-based Alberta small & medium size enterprises (SMEs) who are at the committing, validating or scaling stage of their client journey.

TDAs are senior business advisors who provide one-on-one guidance, community connections, and assist with identifying non-dilutive capital to support entrepreneurs and SMEs in technology or knowledge-based industries developing innovative technology.

Please visit our website for more information.

  • Other

TELUS CSW Accelerator

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The TELUS Community Safety & Wellness Accelerator (CSW) is a first-of-its-kind accelerator focused on addressing the social and safety challenges facing our communities. In partnership with AlchemistX, the Edmonton Police Foundation, and Alberta Innovates, the CSW Accelerator is bringing proven Silicon Valley acceleration programming to the social impact space in Edmonton, Alberta. 


Telus L-Spark Medtech Accelerator

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Calian L-SPARK MedTech Accelerator will help small and medium-sized technology enterprises (SMEs) grow their businesses and bring new products to market by integrating with the Calian digital health platform as a service (PaaS) solution to enable value-added functionality across the care continuum.

Chosen companies will also gain access to Calian’s sales and distribution channels and extensive customer base. Ideal participants would be Canadian companies focused on areas such as care team collaboration, education content and patient engagement, remote monitoring, and medication management.


The Accelerator

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Accelerator is a Canadian seed accelerator that provides curriculum, services, mentors, and connections during two five-month programs each year.

We believe a startup is an entrepreneurial venture that aims to solve a problem by developing or offering an innovative product, process or service designed around a rapidly scalable business model.

Please check our website for information about the batch of the program.


ThresholdImpact U of A Venture Mentoring Service

University of Alberta – Venture Mentoring Service

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Entrepreneurship isn’t easy. Whether you’ve been in business for a few months or many years, landing your first customers or expanding into foreign markets, growing a company means constantly dealing with challenges you’ve probably never dealt with before.

What many entrepreneurs don’t realize is that you don’t have to do it alone. The ThresholdImpact University of Alberta Venture Mentoring Service (VMS) works to develop, inspire and empower our alumni entrepreneurs by engaging them with teams of experienced Mentors. Our mentors provide wise counsel to help VMS entrepreneurs better navigate through challenges.

VMS focuses on the development of entrepreneurs through objective guidance and support. Our highly experienced mentors cultivate strong business leaders, so they can grow their ventures and have a bigger impact on the world.

We run six intakes per year, starting in January and running every other month thereafter.

Please visit our website for more information.


Tundra Accelerator Centre for Entrepreneurs (A.C.E. Program)

Tundra Process Solutions Ltd.

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Acceleration Centre for Entrepreneurs (ACE) is designed to help Alberta’s best and brightest accelerate the commercialization of their near market-ready technologies that solve some of the industry’s biggest challenges. Launched in 2016, the program encourages risk-taking, supports Western Canadians, and celebrates their entrepreneurial spirit.

The Tundra Ace Program helps Alberta’s best and brightest fast-track the commercialization of their disruptive technology solutions and gain access to market, fast. 

The Tundra ACE program was created to deliver maximum value to stakeholders on all levels, including to Tundra, its customers, entrepreneurs, and to the industry as a whole. Tundra ACE partners with entrepreneurs, enabling them to access the market while also allowing Tundra to diversify its product portfolio and be on the cutting edge of technology. In helping to shape the future of the industry, the ACE program also provides value to customers by empowering them to adopt new technology in a low-risk environment through an established entity.

Please visit our website to learn more.

  • Other

U of A Engineering Research Initiatives and Programs

University of Alberta – Civil & Environmental Engineering and the School of Mining & Petroleum Engineering

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Faculty of Engineering is home to large-scale, long-term collaborative research programs, and is a leading participant in broad initiatives that draw expertise from across the University of Alberta campus and around the globe.

These programs fund collaborative projects with long-term vision and build interdisciplinary teams with the motivation and experience to address grand challenges.

Please visit our website to learn more.


U of A Mechanical Engineering Research

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is keenly committed to pursuing innovative, cutting edge research and technology development. Many of our dedicated researchers are respected as international leaders in their fields for their numerous groundbreaking research accomplishments and contributions.

Please visit our website for more information.


U of A Resources for Industry

University of Alberta – Faculty of Science

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Faculty of Science is a leader in research innovation and home to an expansive array of custom equipment and services. We are on the cutting edge of novel work in many industrial sectors and can assist industry leaders in addressing challenges, research and development, training, or access to high value equipment. Companies can also utilize many government funding sources by collaborating with one of our scientists. We are working hard to make industry-academia relationships easy and beneficial.

To learn more, please browse our website or contact us for further discussion.

  • Other

U of A: Faculty of Engineering Research Groups

Institute for Oil Sands Innovation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Faculty of Engineering features a wide range of different research groups. Some are larger groups based around a broad subject area. Some are built around one professor and their graduate students. Others are formed because of special funding.

All our research groups are driven by the same thing: curiosity.

Please visit our website to learn more.


U of A: Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology Membership

University of Alberta – Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The research interests of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology members encompass viral pathogenesis, vaccine development, correlates of immunity, enhancement of vaccine efficacy, oncolysis, and development of novel antivirals. Our members have made, and continue to make, a significant impact on human health around world.

The Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology (LKSIoV) unites a consortium of over 40 exemplary researchers. Although most LKSIoV members are associated with the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Alberta, member affiliation encompasses 14 Departments and Faculties at the University of Alberta. Additionally, some of our members are located in other Canadian institutions.

For inquiries or more information regarding the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology, please contact us.


U of A: Medical Modeling Research Laboratory (MMRL)

Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine (iRSM)

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

In 2005, iRSM developed the Medical Modeling Research Laboratory (MMRL) with federal funding from Western Economic Diversification Canada and support from the Caritas Health Group, as a project extending into several faculties at the University of Alberta including Medicine and Dentistry, Engineering, and Rehabilitation Medicine, as well as the Department of Art & Design in the Faculty of Arts. The MMRL focuses on research and clinical services relating to the application of advanced digital technologies and surgical design and simulation in patient treatment. Clinical application, research, education, and technology transfer serve as the cornerstones of development in medical applications at MMRL.

Advanced digital technologies provide the building blocks for improving diagnostics, efficiencies and patient outcomes in treatment approaches. Digital images are translated into 3D virtual models, and used to visualize, plan and design the surgery of each patient. Patient specific surgical tools are virtually created using computer software and then sent to a device that “prints” three-dimensional models that can be held in the hand and used to guide the surgery in the operating room. Although iRSM specializes in surgical design and simulation to advance the care for head and neck reconstruction patients these technologies spans the full spectrum of health care, including cardiac surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery, diagnostic imaging, biomedical engineering and many other disciplines.

Please visit our website for more information.


U of A: Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences – Industry Programs

Drug Development and Innovation Centre

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Programs offered by DDIC can help lead to successful approval of pharmaceutical products and NHPs. DDIC’s expertise in dosage form development, analytical testing and regulatory affairs is especially suitable for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and university researchers looking to commercialize their novel drug candidates, combination products or novel dosage forms.

DDIC offers the following advantages of expertise:

  • accelerated drug candidate commercialization
  • early risk assessment
  • development of value added products

Please visit our website for more information.


U of A’s eHUB

University of Alberta – eHUB

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

eHUB is the University of Alberta’s entrepreneurship centre. Offering resources, networking opportunities, and funding, eHUB offers members the unique opportunity to explore ideas that will transform into projects, initiatives and ventures.

Whether you have an incorporated company or just an idea, you are welcome to join our community. The first step includes applying to become a general member of eHUB.

Once your business/idea is validated by an eHUB employee you will gain access to one-on-one mentorship from entrepreneurs and professionals, funding to help ignite your idea and access to a vibrant entrepreneurial community.

For more information, please check out our website.


U of L: Canadian Centre for Research in Advanced Fluorine Technologies (C-CRAFT)

University of Lethbridge

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

C-CRAFT is the first centre that focuses research on the element fluorine in Canada. Applications of fluorine compounds penetrate our lifes, from pharmaceuticals to agriculture, from aluminium production to semiconductor industry. The centre combines synthetic, analytic and computational expertise in fluorine chemistry, rendering Lethbridge, Alberta a hub for fluorine chemistry in Canada. With many national and international collaborators, C-CRAFT’s influence reaches beyond Alberta.

C-CRAFT provides a highly collaborative platform to advance research and training in fluorine chemistry using the synergy between synthetic, analytical and computational fluorine chemistry. The NMR centre has a unique specialization on fluorine-19 NMR spectroscopy in Canada with very few comparable instruments in the world. In conjunction with the synthetic inorganic fluorine chemistry laboratory that routinely handles the most reactive compounds and compounds that are unstable at room temperature, this NMR centre is a core facility of international importance. Collaborators from across the globe have sent samples for analysis to Lethbridge, because of the capabilities of our facility.

Please visit our website for more information.


ULethbridge: Agility

Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Agility is a campus-wide program that is available to all University of Lethbridge students. The program is 100% donor-funded, which allows Agility to grow in multiple areas that reflect the passions and visions of our donors. We help realize projects that students, faculty, and the community identify as meaningful initiatives. Currently, we support multi-disciplinary projects that involve experiential learning in agriculture & agribusiness, social innovation, entrepreneurship, and emerging technologies.

Agility supports and creates innovative learning experiences for students. Activities supported by Agility help to build an atmosphere of creative discovery at the University of Lethbridge; students can explore and develop new ideas in a risk-free environment where failure is a way to learn.

For more information, please visit our website.


United States climatetech – Canadian Technology Accelerator

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Do you want to grow your climate technology (climatetech) business in the United States (U.S.)? There is a significant demand for climateTech solutions in the U.S., driven by both policies and market forces. The climatetech Canadian Technology Accelerator will help you find potential investors and new customers for your solution in the four largest climatetech markets in the U.S.: New York, San Francisco, Boston and Denver.


University of Alberta – Institute for Oil Sands Innovation

Institute for Oil Sands Innovation

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The Imperial Institute for Oil Sands Innovation (IOSI) at the University of Alberta is built on the partnership between the University of Alberta’s Faculty of EngineeringImperial Oil LimitedAlberta Innovates, as well as Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) for the projects in the Tailings theme.

IOSI attracts and supports researchers from Canada and abroad to bridge the knowledge and technology gaps in oil sands operations, to nurture innovative solutions to fulfill its mission and to build the intellectual capital.

Our mission is to promote, build capacities and to fund breakthrough research that leads to environmentally, economically and socially sustainable development of Canada’s mineable oil sands resources.

To learn more, please visit our website.


University of Lethbridge: Partnerships & Innovation

University of Lethbridge

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Connect your organization with talented researchers with relevant expertise.

New creative ventures, new applications and informed public discourse can bolster Alberta’s social, cultural and economic prosperity. To this end, we endeavour to expand, enhance, and nurture partnerships and networks with the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.

Many of our researchers have partnerships with businesses, community groups, and governmental agencies to help solve real world problems. These opportunities also allow students to gain real-world, collaborative experience and build relationships with established companies.

Please visit our website for more information.


Venturepark Labs: Concept to Market Sprint

Venturepark Labs

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Helping aspiring food entrepreneurs validate, develop, and launch innovative packaged food products.

The Concept to Market Sprint will help you fast-track your launch while avoiding costly mistakes and pitfalls. Before you go all-in, validate your idea, develop your product, and grow with our tools and resources. 

Our program has helped over 90 food products launch successfully. Join the next wave of food innovators hitting store shelves.

During this eight-week sprint, our product development experts will guide you through seven online classes, weekly mini-projects, and a personalized coaching session. This program provides a unique combination of food safety, regulations, quality assurance, and business management principles to support a strategic marketplace launch.

Please visit our website for more information.


Venturepark Labs: Incubator

Venturepark Labs

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Whether you’re looking to expand your food product line or increase distribution, our 6-month Incubator Program will provide training, guidance, and resources to help your company push its potential.

This includes:

  • Strategic planning tools to help you establish your vision and set goals to achieve it
  • Monthly check-ins to review progress
  • Connections with our partnered consultants, industry services, and community of entrepreneurs through the Venturepark Labs online web portal
  • Access to industry expertise through individual coaching sessions
  • Live online sessions on a range of topics related to food technology, business fundamentals, and going to market
  • An additional six months of access to recorded sessions, forum posts, and resources after finishing the program

Please visit our website for more information.


Verge Economic Development

Verge Economic Development

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

Verge Economic Development is the resource for economic development information and opportunities in the southeast corner of Alberta. We build momentum in our economy by collaborating with community partners, working with government, and attracting and retaining investment in the region.

Verge Economic Development supports and promotes business retention and expansion with investment attraction and marketing and communications assistance. We help new businesses get their footing, and existing businesses take their operations to the next level.  Partner with Verge Economic Development and be a part of Alberta’s growing economy.

Please visit our website for more information.


VMSA Mentorship

Venture Mentoring Service of Alberta

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

VMSA is a volunteer organization that provides objective, conflict-free guidance to entrepreneurs. Based on the MIT VMS model each entrepreneur is matched with a team of mentors, which gives a more in-depth experience than traditional 1:1 relationships. Following the MIT VMS Model, we adhere to a strict code of ethics, providing unbiased coaching to entrepreneurs in southern Alberta.


Wood Buffalo Regional Innovation Network

Wood Buffalo Regional Innovation Network

Min : - Max :

Application Deadline:

The WBRIN supports initiatives, programs, services and events that strengthen the entrepreneurial and innovation community in the Wood Buffalo region.
Our purpose is to increase and capture innovation on the front lines, attract technologies and talent to our community, and inspire a whole new generation of entrepreneurs across Fort McMurray and the entire Wood Buffalo region.

The WBRIN’s purpose is to support technology and knowledge-based innovators and entrepreneurs by:

  • Identifying gaps in the ecosystem and finding solutions to address those gaps
  • Hosting and supporting programs, services and events in the region
  • Connecting entrepreneurs to programs, services and events around the province
  • Connecting businesses to a regional Technology Development Advisor, who provides one-on-one support and advice to entrepreneurs

Please visit our website to learn more.
