Alberta WaterPortal

Founded in 2006, in the spirit of the Water for Life strategy, the Alberta WaterPortal provides inclusive research, community engagement, and educational activities to improve the public’s understanding of the importance of water in Alberta, as well as providing Albertans with the knowledge needed to make better water management decisions.

Today’s water challenges and opportunities clearly cross many different jurisdictions, stakeholders and communities. Addressing the protection, allocation and management of our water resources and water systems requires creative mechanisms for dialogue and networking, as well as coordinated efforts to explore and share data and experiences among water users, managers, and researchers.

To achieve this as a charitable organization we work closely with private, public and other non-profit organizations, supported by industry and water experts. We have forged successful partnerships with all levels of government, academic institutions, environmental non-government organizations, corporate partners and advisory councils and irrigation districts. The Alberta WaterPortal contributes to how we collectively share and collaborate on water information and knowledge, for the benefit of all Albertans.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Alberta WaterPortal staff will continue to provide web-based water information services such as our bi-weekly newsletter and work on water education projects. You can continue to use our contact form to get in touch with us. Stay safe everyone!

See all programs of Alberta WaterPortal Society
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