Ruperstland Institute
Rupertsland Institute (RLI) is an affiliate of the Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) and is incorporated as a not-for-profit organization under the Alberta Business Corporations Act. The Métis Nation of Alberta assigned RLI with a mandate in education, training and research. RLI’s vision is for a skilled, knowledgeable and self-reliant Métis Nation and is integral to enhancing the self-sufficiency and well-being of Alberta Métis through quality education, training and research.
Since its creation in 2010 and in support of its vision and mandate, RLI has been developing programs and services that embrace the principles of:
- Labour market self-sufficiency
- Informed decision-making
- Strategic partnerships
- Lifelong learning
- Enhanced accountability
As an affiliate of the Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA), RLI is accountable to its sole shareholder – the Métis people of Alberta – as represented by the MNA Provincial Council and to our funding partners at the federal and provincial governments.
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