Lakeland College faculty and staff supplement the business coaching and mentoring services provided by the Regional Business Accelerator (RBA) by providing coaching and mentoring services to RBA clients and industry partners that contact the college directly on an as needed basis. This might include access to resources, market research advice, intellectual property coaching, referrals to additional expertise, business plan and pitch development preparation, and grant writing support.
Additional services provided by the college may include access to the College’s prototyping expertise and facilities on the Vermilion campus, which includes both metal fabrication capacity, large equipment modification space, and electronics design and printing. For larger scale prototyping needs, the College refers industry partners to other post-secondary and regional service expertise and suppliers.
The College can also support the development of commercial scale agronomic practices for novel crops, including the development and modification of seeding and harvesting equipment and pesticide application regulatory submissions.
Lakeland College was a founding member of the Regional Business Accelerator, which has helped to support over 500 businesses in our service region.
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