BioAlberta Member Services


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BioAlberta is committed to building a thriving community for life sciences companies. Our industry offers exceptional prospects for both economic growth and improved quality of life for not only Albertans but also around the globe. BioAlberta companies and researchers are meeting the challenges of this globally competitive industry.

Engage with us! Join our bio-community of entrepreneurs and scientists involved in advancing the capabilities of life sciences in our local economy. A strong, vibrant and diverse membership is the foundation for BioAlberta.

Join BioAlberta to become part of this network and realize your potential opportunities. BioAlberta raises the profile of our Members through numerous activities including an annual  presence at the BIO International Convention.

For more information, please visit our website.

  • Environment
  • Health
  • ICT
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Omics