Olds College Land and Water Environmental Research

With our constructed wetlands facility, Olds College is the place to go for wetland management solutions, applied research, and education. Our facility serves as a model to demonstrate the way wetlands can help reduce negative impacts on our environment and the increasing demand for clean water. We are producing high-quality recycled water through the removal of sediments, contaminants and undesirable nutrients with the use of plants for phytoremediation and new cold climate technologies, while researching wetlands in cold, high latitude climates. Together the constructed wetlands and the Botanical Garden provide an outdoor laboratory for students, an industry training site, and a nucleus for community programs – all in one. Extensive wetland applied research is also carried on in the Olds College greenhouses and off-campus sites with various industry partners.

Our Research Goals

  • To find ways to negate water shortages, a problem that threatens the future of not just Canada, but the world at large.
  • To find natural and efficient methods of irrigation by spearheading research that has never been done before.
  • To create ways to promote and enable effective environmental stewardship through its research.

Please visit our website to learn more.

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